Jessica. 2001. Comparison
of bacterial abundance and growth dynamics in the Puget
Sound Main Basin and Hood
Bacteria are classified both as
remineralizers, through the degradation of organic matter, and as a food source
for higher marine organisms such as microflagellates. These functions put bacteria in a critical
role in estuarine ecosystems, with changes in bacterial health likely being
manifested in the population of organisms it helps to support. The evaluation of bacterial growth and
abundance is the topic of many investigations; however, little effort has
focused on the estuarine environment of Puget Sound. Described here are the results of an
experiment designed to quantify the growth and abundance of bacteria in this
area. Incubations with 3H
thymidine and 3H leucine (radiolabeled precursors to DNA and
protein, respectively) allowed for the quantification of bacterial growth. The use DAPI and CTC stains provided
information about bacterial abundance, and further, an assessment of whether
bacterial cells were active or inactive.
Bacterial abundances were within a normal range for estuarine systems
(~108 cells L-1).
The bacterial growth rates were also found to be within normal limits
for Hood Canal
(0.13 d1) and the Main
Basin (0.16 d-1). Comparisons of bacterial abundances and
growth rates with in-situ conditions revealed that bacteria in Hood Canal
are replicating, while bacteria in the Main Basin
are getting fatter.
Bailey, Jennifer. 2004. Absence of fecal coliform
contamination in Pacific oysters (Crassostrea
gigas) and surrounding waters in northwestern Hood
Canal and south Puget Sound, Washington
Sanitation and agriculture problems
in areas that drain into shellfish growing waters may contaminate shellfish
with a number of pathogens.
Concentrations of fecal coliform bacteria in marine waters are used as
an indicator of sanitation problems and are routinely sampled by the Washington
State Department of Health, as well as by tribes and local health
departments. This research sought to
assess the variability of fecal coliform contamination in oysters and surface
waters in areas of high urbanization compared to low populated areas. Fecal coliform bacteria concentrations in
Pacific oysters and the nearby surface water from northwestern Hood Canal (Quilcene Bay) and
south Puget Sound (north of Mud Bay), Washington were measured using three-tube
most-probably number techniques. Three
samples of oysters and the surrounding waters were collected from each site
where fecal coliform contamination due to leaking septic tanks or agriculture
waste draining from storm water drainage systems, was thought to be
present. Both the water and the oyster
samples were measured for fecal coliform bacteria to compare the accumulation
in oysters to the snapshot' levels obtained in water samples. No fecal coliform contamination was found in
the water or oyster samples in either location of this study. Since these results were unexpected due the
relative urbanization of south Puget Sound,
the lack of fecal coliform from these sites could be due to revisions and
improvements of storm water drainage systems, improvements in agriculture practices
or routine maintenance of septic tanks.
Megan. 2003. The effects of sediment grain size on benthic protozoans in the Snohomish River
and Possession Sound, Washington
To better understand the coupling
between sediment grain size and the distribution of benthic protozoans,
sediment samples were collected from the Snohomish
River and Possession Sound, Washington. Sediment grain size, bacterial abundance and
porewater salinity were measured to study the relationship between these
factors and protozoan abundances.
Sediments in Possession Sound had higher proportions of silt and clay
while sand was the dominant component in the Snohomish River. Protozoan abundances were highest in
Possession Sound ranging between 2.34 x 104 5.12 x 105 cells
cm-3. Bacterial abundances were also highest in Possession Sound
ranging between 5.57 x 108 1.22 x 109 cells cm-3. Porewater salinity was highest in Possession
Sound measuring ~ 32 whereas in the river porewater salinity ranged from 0
- 6 . The factors influencing the
abundances of benthic protozoans vary in marine and riverine environments and
are likely to be extremely complex.
Porewater salinity was considered an unlikely factor to affect the
abundances in either Possession Sound or the Snohomish River. Oxygen concentrations, microhabitats and
currents are possible contributors to changes in abundances with depth in the
sediments. Higher protozoan abundances
in Possession Sound may be the result of higher bacterial abundances or
increased organic matter with finer sediments.
Teegan. 2004. Presence
of proteorhodopsins similar to known green-light absorbing proteorhodosin in
the Main Basin of Puget Sound,
Bacteria are ubiquitous in the
marine environment and are essential in recycling nutrients for phytoplankton
usage. Recently a protein called proteorhodopsin was found in some bacteria;
this protein enables the bacteria to absorb light energy and convert it into
kinetic energy in the form of ion movement.
It has also been found that wavelengths absorbed by bacteria with this
protein correspond to the wavelengths available in the surrounding
environment. The objective of this study
is to find out if proteorhodopsin is present in the nutrient rich, estuarine
system of Puget Sound and if proteorhodopsin
sequences vary with light availability here.
Water samples were collected from the main basin on 31 March 2004 at the
chlorophyll maximum, mid-euphotic zone and just below the euphotic zone (10 m,
28 m, and 70 m respectively). These
samples were analyzed for proteorhodopsin presence using polymerase chain
reactions, cloning and sequencing techniques.
Analysis of sequence data provided convincing evidence that
proteorhodopsin is present in Puget Sound. There appear to be two primary groups of
sequences resulted that are both related to green light absorbing
proteorhodopsin. Sequence diversity does
not appear to be correlated with depth. The presence of proteorhodopsin indicates
that bacteria in Puget Sound are able to use
light energy and may therefore need carbon-derived energy to survive. Sequence similarity from all depth samples
indicates that there is not a significant difference in the wavelengths of
light available between the surface and base of the euphotic zone in Puget Sound, WA.
Brown, Rusty. 2005. Effects temporal variation on the spectral
signature of eelgrass (Zoestra marina L.)
in Hood Canal, Washington
Remote sensing is a fast growing field of technology
and its applications to research and science are becoming more and more
important. The ability to study change
on a daily time scale of an area as large as 100km without having to traverse
said area in the field is priceless.
This technology can readily be applied to the study of eelgrass (Zoestra marina) in the near-shore
environment. The spectral signature of eelgrass is hypothesized to change with
regards to time of day, amount of daylight, and turbidity of surrounding
water. Studying eelgrass at the
Guillemot Cove Nature Preserve in Seabeck, WA
we were able to acquire 2 days of sampling totaling 24 individual samples. These samples spanned a time period of both
low tide exposed eelgrass and a period of time as the eelgrass was submerged by
the approaching tide. When analyzed our
data shows that a single spectral band may fluctuate up to two fold in a
fifteen minute period. We also find that
while all visible spectra appear to behave the same (i.e. same plotted curve
over time) the smaller fluctuations do not follow same patterns. Most fluctuations found are attributed to
turbidity in the water column and reflectance of surrounding sediment.
Christina. 2001. Comparison
of bacterial activity and 14C phenanthrene degradation rates in
surface sediments around Puget Sound
In April 2001, sediment samples were
taken from five locations around the Puget Sound
Main Basin
and Hood Canal.
Sediment slurries were enriched with radioactive tracers in an effort to
attain a quantitative sense of the bacterial productivity in Puget
Sound in near-shore sediments and assess the ability of bacteria
to utilize and degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Site locations include near the current
effluent of King County
wastewater treatment facilities, the proposed site for the new wastewater
treatment plant effluent at Point Wells, the sill in Hood
Canal, where an ammonium plume has
been measured, and two sites near Dabob
Bay. Bacterial activity was measured in the
surficial sediments by 3H-TdR incorporation, as an estimate of
bacterial production. Hydrocarbon
degradation rates were analyzed by injecting 14C phenanthrene
substrate into sediments and measuring uptake rates as respired 14CO2
released. Bacteria that have never been
exposed to petroleum byproducts were expected to show a lag time in their
incorporation of the injected substrate compared to those that had at some time
previously fed on hydrocarbon.
Jennifer. 2000. Determination
of the quality and movement of proteins and amino acids in eelgrass beds
Little is known about eelgrass beds
and the role they play in coastal carbon and nitrogen fluxes. By studying the amino acid concentrations in
the sediment (inside and outside the bed), eelgrass, epiphytes and particulate
matter in the water column, I determined that eelgrass beds are acting as a net
sink for carbon and nitrogen. Water
samples were taken from a boat using a Niskin bottle; samples of eelgrass,
epiphytes, and sediment were collected from Padilla Bay
by walking from shore at low tide.
Samples were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography and an
amino acid degradation index.
Understanding how eelgrass beds utilize labile organic carbon is
essential to understanding their ecology and their role in the coastal ecosystem,
and is fundamental to properly protect and maintain eelgrass beds in the
Scott. 2003. Calanus pacificus collocation with their food source during a
phytoplankton bloom in Dabob
pacificus females in Dabob Bay, a
temperate fjord in the state of Washington,
migrate out of the surface layer during daytime to avoid visual predators. During nighttime copepods must balance the
risk of predation with the physiological need for energy obtained from food. The diel migratory behavior of C. pacificus females in Dabob Bay
has been extensively studied; interannual, intergenerational, and seasonal
variation has been observed. A
significant relationship between diel vertical migration and the abundance of
planktonic predators has been shown, but there was no clear evidence to show
the effect of food availability on vertical migration. The abundance and vertical distribution of C. pacificus females was determined over
a 14-hour-long period on 9 and 10 April 2003 in Dabob Bay. Samples were collected with a vertically
hauled Puget Sound net deployed 9 times
throughout the night and two times during the day. Results show a migration up into the surface
waters, 10m to 0m, at 0252 and a migration out of the surface after 0500. This is evidence that vertical migration is
effected by food availability.
Conrad, Stephanie.
2005. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
bioaccumulation in Mytilus edulis in Seattle, Washington
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are organic pollutants derived
from the incomplete combustion of organic material, such as petroleum.
Solubility of PAHs decreases with increasing molecular weight, making sediment
a natural reservoir. PAHs bioaccumulate in organisms such as mussels, causing
cancer, narcosis, and genetic mutations. Mussels are often used in pollutant
analysis due to their abundant and sessile nature; as filter feeders, they
indiscriminately feed on dissolved and particulate matter in the water column.
Different species of mussels show the same trend in PAH accumulation, making
worldwide PAH comparisons possible. Turbulence increases the bioavailability of
PAHs to mussels. Three sites in Seattle were
analyzed: West Seattle, Magnolia, and Ballard.
No mussels in this study were found in turbid waters, possibly because
phytoplankton (mussels' main food source) grow more efficiently in calmer
waters where they can stay in the euphotic zone. Each site was evaluated for
turbidity, PAH concentrations in mussel tissue and sediment, mussel shell
length, and percent water in both mussel and sediment samples. The turbidity of
the sites had a small range, and was green in color suggesting phytoplankton
particulate matter, not sediment particles due to turbulent water. The method
used to analyze PAHs had a 0% efficiency, indicating a loss of PAHs in the
extraction process.
Benjamin. 2005. Biological
effect on the corrosion rates of three alloys in a marine environment
The effects of corrosion may
endanger the health and safety of the general public. The annual economic cost of corrosion
prevention and repair in the United
States is significant. The causes and prevention of corrosion have
long been studied, but the effect of bacteria and biofilms on the corrosion of
metals in a marine environment has only recently gained attention from the scientific
community. This experiment was conducted to quantify
the corrosion rates of stainless steel 316L, aluminum 5052 and high-strength
steel HY-80. Samples of the three alloys
were placed in the surface waters of Puget Sound (a fjord like estuary in
western Washington), Lake Washington (a
freshwater lake in Seattle,
Washington) and sterile
seawater. After 1, 2, 4, or 6 weeks of
exposure, the samples were collected, cleaned and weighed. The change in mass of the samples was used to
calculate corrosion rates for the respective alloys. There was very little to no corrosion of the
stainless steel samples. The aluminum
samples in Puget Sound and Lake Washington
were slightly corroded, while the samples in the sterile seawater formed a
protective oxide layer and did not corrode.
There was significant corrosion of the high-strength steel samples in
all environments. These observations
indicate that the presence of bacteria or biofilms may have an effect on the
corrosion of aluminum, but does not have an effect on stainless steel or
high-strength steel in a marine environment.
Jennifer. 2000. The
flux of particulate organic matter across an eelgrass system located in Padilla Bay
The carbon to nitrogen ratio of
organic matter was determined for all major components of an eelgrass system in
Padilla Bay, Washington, during spring 2000. The particles suspended directly in the
eelgrass had a higher average C:N ratio than the POM surrounding the bed, 8.95
and 8.26 respectively. Likewise, the
sediments in the bed had higher average C:N ratios than the sediments outside
the bed (9.73 and 8.889). Due to the
high level of eelgrass production during this time it was assumed that the
particulate organic matter in the eelgrass bed was comprised of new production
(phytoplankton) and resuspended sediment.
From this assumption a mixing model was constructed to determine the
origin of the water taken from within the bed.
From the model results, suspended particles from within the bed were
determined to be composed of 11% phytoplankton and 89% sediment-derived
particulate organic matter. Using the
mixing model results and a comparison of all C:N ratios, the path of organic
carbon and nitrogen through an eelgrass system were determined.
Delwiche, Leon.
2003. The effects of chlorophyll and total suspended solids on
water-leaving radiance in the Snohomish River region of freshwater influence
When remote sensing algorithms developed for the open
ocean (Case I) are applied to coastal estuarine waters (Case II) problems of
overestimating chlorophyll concentrations are encountered. Case II water optical properties are
complicated by the presence of substances that don't covary with phytoplankton
abundances. However, a strong need
exists to optically characterize these waters in order to develop regional
remote sensing algorithms for chlorophyll estimates. This study examines the effects of
chlorophyll and total suspended solids (TSS) on light attenuation and water
leaving radiance in a coastal region of freshwater influence. Chlorophyll and
TSS were measured to a depth of 10 m at five stations west of the Snohomish River
mouth in Puget Sound, Washington. Water leaving radiance and light
attenuation were measured at the 443 nm and 550 nm wavelengths. A sum difference of TSS and chlorophyll was
utilized in the analysis of water leaving radiance measured at each
station. The sum difference was highest
at station 1 closest to the river and decreased along the transect. However, no relationship could be established
between the sum difference and the observed water leaving radiance. The station 1 outlier (closest to the river)
can be described as sharing characteristics common to Case II waters whereas
the other stations show more Case I properties.
Development of regional algorithms for environments characterized by
mixing between Case I and Case II waters may require defining the boundaries
that exist due to this duality. The
results of this study contribute to the use of remote sensing as a tool to
monitoring phytoplankton communities within regionally-important waters such as
Puget Sound.
Andrea. 2001. The
relationship between low dissolved oxygen and euphausiid abundance and
distribution in Puget Sound
paper examines the relationship between low dissolved oxygen (DO) and
euphausiid abundance and distribution in Puget
Sound, Washington. Euphausiids were collected at night by
triplicate downward hauls using a plummet closing net. Two species of euphausiids, Euphausia pacifica
and Thysanoessa raschii, are
found in Puget Sound. Gut pigment analysis was performed on these
two species of euphausiids in order to determine if they were consuming the
same amount of phytoplankton. Although
there was individual variability, both euphausiid species were found to graze
upon similar quantities of phytoplankton.
Oxygen levels, as measured by oxygen titrations, were found to affect
the abundance and distribution of euphausiid species in Puget
Sound. E. pacifica was the dominant species found in Port Susan and southern
Hood Canal, which both have levels of oxygen
below the biological stress level of 5.0 mg L-1. T.
raschii was the dominant species found in the Main
Basin and northern Hood Canal,
where the oxygen levels remained above the biological stress level. Temperature, vertical mixing, and the
ammonium plume in northern Hood
Canal did not directly
influence the abundance and distribution of the euphausiid, but they may
possibly have indirect affects.
Euphausiids are a major prey item of commercially important fish and
larger benthic invertebrates. The
alteration of euphausiid abundance and distribution due to low oxygen could
cause an effect on the important predators of euphausiids.
Erin. 2001. Chlorophyll
concentrations and taxonomic compositions in the snake:' Implications for the food web in Puget Sound
snake' is a high-transport stream fed by south Sound rivers that flows
northward in the Main
Basin originating from
Colvos Passage. The objective of the
current study was to determine whether there was more chlorophyll inside vs.
outside the snake, if taxonomic compositions changed from north to south, and
the implications of the latter to the food web in Puget
Sound. Four east-west
thermoslinograph transects across the Main Basin of Puget Sound were conducted,
beginning in Colvos Passage and ending near Admiralty
Inlet. Each transect had
three CTD stations from which water was collected. The chlorophyll concentrations, following
Lorenzen (1966) and taxonomic compositions, using the inverted microscope
method (Hasle 1978), were determined for each station. It was found that the chlorophyll and
taxonomic compositions differed slightly inside vs. outside the snake', but
the greatest difference was seen from north to south. Diatoms were by far the dominant taxa. A recent study has shown that diatom diets
could possibly have an impact on copepods (Lee et al. 1999) by having a
detrimental effect on their egg production and hatching success. If the zooplankton of Puget
Sound are living off of diatom dominated diets, then diatoms could
have a cascading effect on the higher trophic levels of the food chain.
Durkin, Colleen. 2004. Predator avoidance as a possible driver of
heterotrophic dinoflagellate diel vertical migration
Heterotrophic dinoflagellates are
significant grazers of spring phytoplankton blooms and provide vital nutrients
to higher trophic levels. They commonly
undergo reverse diel vertical migration, although the benefits of this energetically
costly behavior are not fully understood.
This study investigates predator avoidance as a possible motivation for
heterotrophic dinoflagellate diel vertical migration. The study was conducted in Dabob Bay, Puget Sound 22-24 March, 2004 during a spring bloom of Phaeocystis. Diel water sampling and microscopic counts of
the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium showed
that no migration was occurring at this time.
Gyrodinium were consistently
concentrated at the surface (860-1445 organisms L-1). Shipboard dilution and copepod predation (Calanus pacificus) experiments did not
detect grazing by either microzooplankton or C. pacificus. The lack of
predation pressure on Gyrodinium may
explain why they were not migrating, although other characteristics of the
phytoplankton bloom may also have influence.
Phaeocystis is nutrient poor
and perhaps could not provide enough energy to support migration. These results, combined with a 2003 study in Dabob Bay,
suggest that phytoplankton composition may also be a factor in driving diel
vertical migration.
Evans, Colleen. 2004. Carbon limitation of heterotrophic bacteria in Dabob Bay, WA
To evaluate carbon limitation of
heterotrophic bacteria in Puget Sound,
WA, bacterial productivity,
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations, and bacterial community structure
(using T-RFLP and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene) were measured from surface
seawater samples collected at the Dabob Bay Buoy. Seawater cultures were either amended with
8.3 µmol L-1 glucose or left unamended and incubated on deck in the
dark for 30 h. Bacterial productivity
was measured in triplicate 3H-Thymidine assays every 6 h for 30 h from both
glucose-amended and unamended samples using the microcentrifuge technique. Rates of incorporation ranged from 9.56 -
65.99 pmol TdR L-1 h-1 for unamended samples and 9.56 -
117.11 pmol TdR L-1 h-1 for those amended with
glucose. The ambient DOC concentration
was 110.4 µmol L-1 C. After the addition of glucose, DOC
concentration increased to 177.4 µmol L-1 C and fluctuated over the
course of the 30 h incubation period, indicating that it was being both
utilized and possibly produced by heterotrophic bacteria. Cloning of the 16S rRNA indicated that
bacteria of the a-Proteobacteria and Cytophaga Flexibacter
Bacteriodes groups were present. T-RFLP
was used to further assess the bacterial community, verifying the presence
these two groups of marine bacteria as well as showing the dynamic nature of
the heterotrophic bacterial community.
Approximately 31 total OTUs were obtained in samples digested with BsuRI
while 37 OTUs were obtained following digestion with Hin6I. The distribution of these OTUs varied over
the course of the 30 h incubation. It is
apparent from these data, with productivity in amended samples as much as twice
that in unamended samples, that heterotrophic bacteria in Dabob Bay,
while having a dynamic community structure, are carbon limited in the surface
waters. Carbon limitation yields
decreased bacterial activity thus hindering the crucial role of bacteria in
aquatic environments as remineralizers.
David. 2000. Development
of a molecular technique to assess
particle-attached and free-living bacterial communities in marine environments
A qualitative molecular technique was developed for rapid
analysis of microbial diversity in marine environments. A protocol for terminal restriction fragment
length polymorphism (T-RFLP) was developed to detect the minimum number of
bacterial species present in samples obtained from Puget Sound, WA. The technique used a polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) in which one of the two primers was fluorescently labeled at the
5' end and was used to amplify bacterial 16S rDNA from total community DNA. The PCR product was digested with restriction
enzymes, and the fluorescently-labeled terminal restriction fragment was
detected by laser-scanning with a fluorimager.
The T-RFLP technique was tested on samples from two sites in Puget Sound. For
both sites, particle-attached and free-living bacterial communities were
compared at the surface and the chlorophyll maximum. Different bacterial communities were found at
the different sampling sites.
Additionally, there were differences in species richness between the
particle-attached and free-living communities.
Heather. 2000. Development
of a method to study the specificity of associations between a pelagic diatom, Ditylum brightwelli, and its epibiotic
bacterial assemblages in Hood
Sampling and molecular techniques
were developed to characterize the epibiotic bacterial assemblages attached to
single cell isolates of the centric diatom Ditylum
brightwelli. The first part of the
study involves culture maintenance, filtration, and DNA extraction in a 96-well
format for the rapid processing of large numbers of samples. The second part develops molecular techniques
involving the use of Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms to
determine the minimum level of genotypic diversity of the epibiotic assemblages
using the 16s ribosomal gene.
Preliminary results indicate that individual diatoms isolated from a
single water sample exhibit both genetically similar and distinct bacteria in
their epibiotic assemblages.
Christian. 2002. Flow
cytometric evidence of phytoplankton photoacclimation in the mixed waters of Puget Sound
study tested the open ocean hypothesis that phytoplankton isolated at different
light intensities will photoacclimate, make short-term changes in their
cellular biology, to maximally use ambient light. In Puget Sound,
different types of mixing regimes were considered potential phytoplankton
isolators. If the time scale for
phytoplankton response to different ambient light levels (photoacclimation) is
shorter than that for vertical mixing, phytoplankton cellular chlorophyll a content will increase in low
light. In March 2002, this hypothesis
was tested at four Puget Sound stations characterized by different mixing
intensities: Hood Canal, Possession Sound, Dalco Passage, and the Tacoma Narrows. Qualitative mixing intensity was determined
from water column density profiles.
Collected water samples were analyzed for cell specific chlorophyll a content and cell size using flow
cytometry to measure chlorophyll fluorescence.
Cell specific fluorescence results revealed two different populations
with one type present at all stations and the other type only found in Hood Canal. Cell specific chlorophyll content increased
for both populations from the surface to 5 m but differed at 10 m. Size changes were more variable, but at 60%
of the different sites, cell size data were similar to data for chlorophyll
changes. Further evaluation and understanding
of individual phytoplankton response to ambient light changes may lead to a
better understanding and estimation of water column productivity, and the depth
preferences of some phytoplankton species.
Goyt, Rebecca.
2005. Marine sediment toxicity bioassay testing using amphipods (Ampelisca abdita) to assess the EPA
designated Superfund site: Commencement Bay, Washington
Bay, located in Puget Sound, Washington
was designated by the EPA as Superfund site in 1981, due to the presence of
toxins such as heavy metals, PCBs, and PAHs.
Restoration efforts were completed in 2004 and consisted of controls
over sources to prevent further contamination of groundwater and marine
sediments, creation of mitigation areas to promote natural recovery, and
sediment dredging, backfilling and capping.
Marine sediments serve as a reservoir for these toxins, and marine
sediment bioassay testing has been validated as a way to determine their
effects upon live organisms using amphipods.
Sediments were collected from 3 sampling sites in Commencement Bay,
and bioassay testing chambers were set up using the amphipod A. abdita. The hypothesis was that bioassay test results
would be positive (dead amphipods) for sediments within Commencement Bay,
despite restoration efforts under the Superfund designation. Comparisons of the percentage of amphipod
mortalities between the 3 Commencement Bay sampling sites indicated that the
site closest to the point sources at the nearshore area (T1) was the least
toxic, followed by the site closest to the Asarco area at the mouth of the bay
(T3), and the site in the middle of the bay (T2) was the most toxic. Further statistical analysis performed using
ANOVA indicated that the differences between the negative controls to the
testing groups, as well as amongst the 3 testing groups, were not statistically
significant. The results of this
research project confirmed the hypothesis, bioassay testing results indicated
the sediments were toxic, but were inconclusive in assessing the comparative
levels of toxicity within the Commencement Bay Superfund site.
Jason. 2003. The
temporal and spatial response of microzooplankton to a spring bloom in Dabob Bay
abundance and biomass was measured in Dabob
Bay, Puget Sound, Washington
from 12 February to 1 May 2003. During
this time period, maximum chlorophyll concentrations ranged from 1.05 to 38.35
mg Chl a m-3 and remained above 14 mg Chl a m-3 for 6 of
the ten weeks. Microzooplankton biomass
positively co-varied with chlorophyll concentrations. Vertical migration by ciliates and a large Gyrodinium was determined to occur
within the upper 50 meters. Ciliates
migrated to the surface at night and large Gyrodiniums
migrated to depths of 25-50 meters.
Vertical net tow samples from 9-10 April 2003 indicated diel vertical
migration by Calanus pacificus in Dabob Bay
with maximum concentrations in the upper 25 meters during the night. This nightly upward migration is a potential
forcing factor for the apparent microzooplankton migrations. A simple carbon budget for feeding copepods
is constructed from which an estimated 1.5 to 30% of carbon available to
mesozoooplankton comes from three categories of microzoopolankton.
Jaime. 2002. Distribution
of picophytoplankton chlorophyll and cyanobacterial rDNA in Puget Sound, WA
Size-fractionated chlorophyll
experiments examine picophytoplankton (cell size <3 µm) concentrations and
distinguish what percent they compose of the total photosynthetic biomass. Amplification of 16S-23S cyanobacterial
ribosomal DNA positively identify cyanobacteria in Puget
Sound. There were seven
stations, with two stations in the Main
Basin, one in Admiralty Inlet, three
in Hood Canal,
and one outside Puget Sound in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. From the size-fractionated chlorophyll
experiments total and picophytoplankton chlorophyll were high at the surface
(2-30 mg L-1) and low at depth
(0.3-2.5 mg L-1). In the Main
Basin, and the Strait
of Juan de Fuca the percent picophytoplankton was consistently
greater at depth than at the surface. In
Admiralty Inlet, a well-mixed water column,
the percent picophytoplankton was constant with depth. Hood
Canal shows a very high
percentage of picophytoplankton chlorophyll with values ranging from 9-43% at
the surface and was 30-59% at depth.
Possible factors affecting the relative contribution of
picophytoplankton to the phytoplankton biomass and picocyanobacteria
communities are salinity, nutrients, temperature, and percent light
transmittance; these properties change from coastal to estuarine environments,
and vary with increasing depth.
Garrett. 2001. The
distribution and abundance of picophytoplankton and Phaeocystis in Puget Sound during
The picophytoplankton (0.2 to 2.0
mm) assemblage, consisting of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, was sampled from
Puget Sound, WA, during 2-6 April 2001, in order to make
estimates of the importance of this size class to the total phytoplankton
community and total primary production.
Picophytoplankton can be an important food source, apart from
heterotrophic bacteria, for microzooplankton.
However, picophytoplankton abundance in coastal and estuarine waters is
thought to be low, although this assumption has not been rigorously tested for Puget Sound waters.
Sampling stations in Puget Sound included Possession Sound, Main Basin,
Carr Inlet, Admiralty Inlet, northern Hood
Canal, southern Hood
Canal, and Dabob Bay. Seawater samples were analyzed by chlorophyll
size fractionation to determine the percent of the total phytoplankton
community comprised of pico-sized phytoplankton, whereas epifluorescence
microscopy was used to estimate picophytoplankton abundance and the relative
proportions of the major types of picophytoplankton. At Admiralty Inlet,
the phytoplankton biomass was low, and the picophytoplankton comprised a relatively
large percentage of total phytoplankton.
Generally, the percentage of phytoplankton that was picophytoplankton
decreased as the phytoplankton biomass increased. The cyanobacterium Synechococcus was present throughout Puget Sound, with the highest
concentration of ~3000 ± 300 cells
mL-1 observed in Admiralty Inlet. Synechococcus
was generally less than 1000 cells mL-1, and it is probably not an
important food source in Puget Sound. Phaeocystis
was found at concentrations up to ~50000 cells mL-1 in Hood Canal. Due to the presence of Phaeocystis in high concentrations, picophytoplankton should not be
assumed insignificant in Puget Sound.
Marlene. 2000. Distribution
and sources of Vibrio parahaemolyticus
in the water column of Hood Canal,
Washington in March and April
This paper presents new data on
abundances of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in
the water column of Hood Canal,
Washington during March and April
2000. V. parahaemolyticus is a pathogenic bacterium found in estuaries
that causes the disease gastroenteritis, and in some cases primary septicimia,
as a result of the consumption of contaminated seafood. Salinity, temperature, chlorophyll, oxygen
and V. parahaemolyticus abundances
were determined for both free-living and particle-attached bacteria at the
surface, the chlorophyll max and 1-5 m from the bottom at sites in the main
channel, the Skokomish river outflow, and along the shoreline and in the
mid-channel around the Great Bend. V. parahaemolyticus abundances were
usually greatest in particle-attached size fractions as compared to
free-living. A geographic trend was also
seen where V. parahaemolyticus was
more likely to grow within the canal. V. parahaemolyticus abundances were also
seen to be greatest at intermediate levels within the water column and where
concentrations of chlorphyll and temperatures were highest. These observations suggest that V. parahaemolyticus is introduced into Hood Canal
primarily from bottom currents where they are transported in a cyst phase and
that V. parahaemolyticus may
proliferate in association with zooplankton and other chitinous material. From a public health and fisheries management
perspective, these results suggest that V.
parahaemolyticus abundances may increase with increasing eutrophication; an
effect that is compounded by the addition of nutrients that pollution adds to
the water column of Hood
Joe. 2003. Do
methane-producing zooplankton microflora explain elevated CH4 levels
in marine environments?
the highly oxygenated state of the surface ocean, supersaturation of methane a
reduced volatile gas, can reach levels of up to 700% above background
levels. Some sources for this methane
have been described such as hydrocarbon seeps and anoxic slope sediments but
these cannot explain the entire supersaturation. A biological process performed by
methanogenic microbial communities, potentially inhabiting anaerobic
environments within the guts of marine animals is thought to contribute to this
flux. Two species of zooplankton, Euphausia pacifica
and Cyphocaris challengeri, were
investigated from Dabob Bay in Puget
Sound, Washington. Samples were prepared for analysis of methane
production in laboratory experiments and for examination of gut
microflora. The production of small
quantities of methane was observed in laboratory experiments (<0.1 ppm
individual-1 day-1).
One percent of the microbial population was identified as methanogens
through microscopy. Bacterial 16S genes
could be PCR amplified while methanogen mcrA
and archaeal 16S genes could not. These
data point towards low abundances of methanogenic microorganisms under the
conditions sampled. However, the
presence of methanogenic populations suggests that zooplankton gut microflora
could explain the supersaturation of methane in the surface ocean and play
important roles in the carbon cycle of pelagic marine environments.
Hope, Erin. 2004. Diversity of benthic diatom communities along a
salinity gradient in Big Beef Creek, Puget Sound
Benthic diatoms are important
primary producers in shallow aquatic environments. Serving as a food source for heterotrophic
protozoans and invertebrate grazers and important players in carbon cycling,
benthic diatoms are integral to the health of the eutrophic benthic
region. Several variables including
sediment type and salinity, can affect the distribution and diversity of
benthic diatom communities. Species
diversity of benthic diatoms has been investigated in varying environments
including saline lakes where a negative correlation between salinity and
community diversity was observed. In
this study the effects of salinity on diversity were examined in Big Beef
Creek, and estuary in Hood Canal, Puget
Sound, Washington. Two sets of sediment samples were taken from
six locations within the estuary: one for pore water salinity analysis, and the
other for microscopic genera identification and counts. Pore water salinity increased with distance
from station 1. Cell counts were highest
at stations 1 and 2 (7.6-7.9x106 +/- 2.5x106 cells cm-3)
and lowest at station 3 (1.7x106 +/- 4.4x105 cells cm-3). Diversity was also highest at station 1 and
decreased with distance. Each station
had a different community composition, but each had one to four genera that
comprised more than 80% of the community.
Most common genera included Navicula
and Stauroneis. A direct correlation between community
diversity and salinity was not observed, but additional salinity measurements
at other points in the tidal cycle could have an effect on correlation. Additional sampling at other points in the
estuary could provide a more complete survey of community diversity.
Hudson, Jeremy. 2005. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium as
a potential mechanism for seasonal ammonium production at the northern Hood Canal
sill sediment-water interface
Dissolved oxygen within the Hood Canal
basin has been thought to have progressively declined during the past several
years. As recent as 1998, an ammonium
plume has been measured annually at the northern Hood Canal
sill. Increasing hypoxic conditions
within the Hood Canal basin could favor nitrate-reducing
bacteria at the sediment-water interface, including those bacteria that can
reduce nitrate to ammonium, a process termed dissimilatory nitrate reduction to
ammonium (DNRA). Here I demonstrate that
DNRA can occur at the northern Hood
Canal sill. On 23 March 2005 samples were collected at
the northern Hood
Canal sill aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson. In order to isolate the ammonium produced via
DNRA, intact sediment cores were incubated with nitrogen-15 sodium nitrate (Na15NO3)
and analyzed for nitrogen-15 ammonium (15NH4+). Results indicate that DNRA can occur at the
northern Hood Canal sill: overlying water and pore water from 1, 2, 3,
and 4 day intact core incubations measured an order of magnitude greater than
natural abundance for 15NH4+ enrichment. Although DNRA occurred, it did not account
for the majority of the ammonium produced.
Future studies should concentrate on estimating the rate of DNRA,
particularly during the summer when the ammonium concentration at the northern Hood Canal
sill typically peaks. If the DNRA rate
is significant enough to contribute to the ammonium plume at the northern Hood Canal
sill, it could have drastic implications for primary production and could lead
to increased hypoxia for the Hood
Canal region through
feedback mechanisms.
Benjamin. 2005. Spatiotemporal
distribution of the Puget Sound Virioplankton
Viruses are the most abundant biological
particle in the oceans, ranging between 10 to
>108 virus-like particles ml-1. Marine viruses have direct connections to
host population dynamics, community genetics, and ultimately biogeochemical
cycling. Virus and bacteria
concentrations were observed between 16-18 February and 30 March 2005 at three
locations in Puget Sound. Virus concentrations ranged from 1.63 to
3.96x107 viruses ml-1, with a mean of 2.60x107
viruses ml-1 (1.31x106 standard error). Virus concentrations measured over approximately
9 hours in Lynch Cove varied by 1.77-fold, but the variance was not
statistically significant. Bacteria
concentrations ranged from 5.32x105 to 2.26x106 bacteria
ml-1, with a mean of 9.26x105 bacteria ml-1
(standard error 1.24x105).
Bacteria concentrations measured over approximately 9 hours in Lynch
Cove varied by 1.56-fold, but the variance was not statistically
significant. Strong correlation (r=0.92)
was observed between bacterial abundance and chlorophyll concentrations, while
strong negative correlation (r=-0.92) was observed between viral abundance and
the ≥0.2μm<2μm size-fraction of chlorophyll-containing organisms. Virus to bacterium ratios were calculated for
each sampling site and period, ranging from 17 to 35, with a mean ratio of 30.2
(standard error 0.626). The
virioplankton is poorly understood, and has never been explored in an
ecological setting in the Puget Sound. These data are the first exploration of the Puget Sound virioplankton distribution and dynamics, and
will form the basis for future marine virus studies.
Jorgenson, Ann
Willow. 2004. Vertical
migration and the ecological role of hydromedusae Aglantha digitale in the plankton community of Dabob Bay, Puget
Sound, Washington
Hydromedusae, Aglantha digitale is commonly abundant in the temperate fjord, Dabob Bay (Washington). The ecological role of A. digitale is not well understood.
Little is known about A.
digitale's vertical migration patterns, the predators of A. digital, or the predatory impacts by A. digitale on its primary prey
copepods. It was found that A. digitale in Dabob Bay
exhibits a reverse diel migration pattern.
Abundance and distribution was calculated from vertically stratified
samples spanning 165 m, the depth of the basin.
The peak abundance of A. digitale
was 5.3 individuals m-3 and occurred in the top 25 m during the
day. The distribution shifted during the
night when peak abundance occurred between 25-50 m. Potential predatory impact of A. digitale on copepod populations was
evaluated by comparing the relative distribution and migration patterns. It is not likely that predation by A. digitale has a large impact on
copepod abundance. This research
elucidated the possible selective advantage of migration by A. digitale. The migration pattern of A. digitale did not optimize contact with their primary prey and
suggested predator avoidance as a major selective advantage of reverse
migration. Species distribution
indicates Euphausia pacifica is likely the dominate predator
of A. digitale but additional
research is necessary to confirm this hypothesis.
Noel. 2000. Spectral
absorption of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the waters of Puget Sound, Washington
values of light absorption by colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in
seawater (CDOM; also known as gelbstoff, gilvin, or yellow substance) play an
important part in understanding radiation absorption in surface waters. Seawater samples containing CDOM were
collected along a transect in Puget Sound which followed a salinity gradient
beginning near the mouth of the Skagit River through the Whidbey Basin,
Admiralty Inlet, and into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Samples were gathered from three depths (0 m,
10 m, near bottom) at twelve stations.
Light absorption by each sample was measured throughout the UV- visible
range (350 nm- 750 nm) using a spectrophotometer. The range of absorption at 400 nm was 0.702 m-1
to 0.231 m-1. The highest
absorption by CDOM was found in surface waters near the Snohomish River. The lowest value was in surface waters in the
Strait of Juan de Fuca. Absorption coefficients at 400 nm were
compared to salinity and DOC. A positive
relationship between CDOM absorption coefficients at 400 nm and salinity was
observed in samples at all depths. There
was a good relationship between CDOM absorption coefficients at 400 nm and DOC
in surface samples. These findings may
have important applications in the field of optical oceanography to correct for
biases in radiation measurements in surface waters and chl a estimates based on
remote sensing methods. There may prove
to be an alternative method for measuring DOC concentrations in surface waters.
Shauna. 2002. Can
nitrogen loading affect trophic structure in estuarine food webs? Using nitrogen stable isotopes to determine
trophic length in nutrient enriched waters
In this project, food webs in areas of Puget Sound
characterized by nitrogen loading (Nisqually Reach, Poverty Bay) were studied
and compared to similar areas not affected by nitrogen loading (Murden Cove,
Hood Canal). Trophic structure was
determined using stable isotope analysis of nitrogen and carbon in tissues of
collected zooplankton, using the ratio of the heavier isotope to the lighter
isotope (given in d notation). There is
a 2-4 enrichment per trophic level due to fractionation, which allows for
determining the trophic position of organisms.
Nutrient and POC/PON samples were taken as well, to determine relative
concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, and POM. The surface concentration of nitrate was
highest in Hood Canal, and lowest in Murden Cove. Poverty
Bay had the highest concentration of
nitrite, whereas Hood
Canal had the lowest
concentration. Ammonium was highest at
Nisqually Reach, and lowest in Hood
Canal. POC and PON concentrations were similar at
all stations. There was more taxonomic
diversity in Hood
Canal and Murden Cove,
and d15N were higher in organisms at these stations as well. Carbon values did not show a correlating
increase in d13C, proving that carbon is a better tracer of a
consumer's food source than of trophic position. Given the results of this study, food webs in
Nisqually Reach and Poverty Bay may have fewer trophic levels than Murden Cove
and Hood Canal.
Marks, Ryan. 2004. Eutrophication susceptibility of phytoplankton
in Port Gardner, Washington
Port Gardner,
located in Puget Sound, is an area which is
monitored by the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) for water quality
concerns, and specifically for low dissolved oxygen (DO). Levels below 5 mg L-1 have been
measured, giving rise to eutrophication concerns in the area. One warning sign of eutrophication is
consistently low dissolved inorganic nitrogen in coastal waters, a condition
that is especially likely in stratified waters.
The DOE sampled a transect in Port Gardner in September of 1995, from
marine waters near the outskirts of the port to fresher stations near the mouth
of the Snohomish River.
Phytoplankton located at the more marine stations showed greater
nutrient limitation than those in the fresher stations, most likely due to the
fact that there was more nitrogen in the fresher water than in the marine
stations. A similar transect of five
stations was covered on 29 March, 2004, to examine whether proximity to the
river influences the effect of nutrient incubations on phytoplankton
growth. At each station, a CTD cast was
made for physical characteristics of the water column, and water samples were
taken from the surface. Sub-samples were
taken from these for nutrient analysis, chlorophyll analysis, and a 24 hour
incubation, part of which was a nutrient enrichment study. Primary production was measured before and
after the incubation using the light-dark bottle oxygen method. Physical conditions, including depth and
turbulence, were likely controls on phytoplankton growth in March, rather than
nutrient concentrations, as nutrients were abundant at all stations ( > 13
µM NO3). Chlorophyll values
were slightly higher in marine stations, ranging from 0.71 mg m-3 to
1.01 mg m-3, with the highest values seen at the middle
station. Phaeopigment values increased
toward the river mouth, likely due to shallow water and turbulent mixing
destroying phytoplankton cells. This
physical influence on phytoplankton survival is a large control on growth in
March, before stratification and resulting nutrient limitation occur. Nutrient enrichment showed no effect on
production, though large variation among small production values prevented
significant conclusions.
Maurer, Jennifer. 2005. Spatial Variability: Determining length scales
and small-scale variability of biogeochemical properties in Hood Canal, Washington
Traditional shipboard sampling regimes
often fail to comprehensively capture biogeochemical patterns, because temporal
coverage is often at most seasonal, with limited spatial resolution. Recent technological developments, including
moored profilers and remote sensing, have added to the ability to study
small-scale processes. Despite these
advances, there remains a great need to understand spatial and temporal
variability and the scales upon which they should be studied in
biogeochemical processes. The Oceanic
Remote Chemical/Optical Analyzer (ORCA) buoy is an autonomous moored profiler
monitoring water quality parameters in Hood
Canal, Washington;
despite sampling every two hours, large shifts in properties such as
chlorophyll have been recorded by the ORCA buoy. This study examines the small-scale
variability of chlorophyll and oxygen surrounding the ORCA buoy. Sampling was conducted on a pattern of
several interlocking grids the inner, smallest grid had 50m spacing, with the
outermost grid comprised of 400 m spacing.
Chlorophyll levels surrounding the ORCA buoy ranged from m 1.72-8.38
μg/L, while oxygen values ranged from 8.12-9.81 mg O2/L. Semivariograms were used to determine the
appropriate length scales for oxygen and chlorophyll sampling in Hood Canal. Both oxygen and chlorophyll displayed high
directional variability, with variation lowest in a cross-channel
direction. The level of chlorophyll
variation indicated length scales of 280 m for chlorophyll sampling, while ³500 m sampling appears necessary for
oxygen. The high variability in
chlorophyll coincided with a jump in the chlorophyll data recorded by the ORCA
buoy, indicating that spatial variability is the likely cause of the jumps in
data recorded.
McKay, Melissa. 2004. A comparison of egg production and hatching success
for Metridia pacifica during variable
phytoplankton bloom conditions in Dabob Bay, Puget Sound, Washington
Metridia pacifica,
a crustaceous zooplankter, exhibits low fecundity when compared to other
dominant copepods, such as Calanus
pacificus, in Puget Sound and in the
temperate and subarctic Pacific. M. pacifica
is an omnivorous copepod that exhibits strong diel vertical migration and
tends to winter-over in the adult female stage instead of entering a diapause
phase, unlike most calanoid copepods.
Previous research in the subarctic and temperate Pacific has shown that
egg production is low for M. pacifica during the
early spring phytoplankton bloom and increases in post-bloom conditions. Zooplankton samples were collected in early
March and again in April for the purpose of quantifying egg production and
hatching success. Taking samples
beginning 4 March 2004, when diatoms were expected to dominate the
phytoplankton community, and weekly or biweekly through 21 April 2004, when
other planktonic populations had emerged, allowed for the comparison of egg production
and hatching success temporally and the opportunity to look for diet
variability which may contribute to low fecundity in M. pacifica. This experiment
tested the hypothesis that if diatoms dominate an early spring phytoplankton
bloom in Dabob Bay, Puget Sound, then M.
pacifica, which feed on diatoms during such a bloom, will exhibit lower egg
production and hatching success compared to later in the spring when the food
supply is more diverse. The experimental
results indicate that egg production was higher in April (2.1 vs. 19.6 eggs
female-1 day-1), when the food supply was more diverse,
and average hatching success was relatively low (between 35% and 60%) over the
experimental period.
Nichols, Crystal.
2000. Comparison of importance of different size classes of phytoplankton
in Puget Sound, Washington
fractionated 14C primary productivity and biomass of picoplankton
(0.2 to 2 mm), nanoplankton (2 to 20 mm),
and microplankton (>20 mm) were measured in Hood Canal, Admiralty
Inlet, and Main Basin, Puget Sound, Washington State in April 2000. Highest integrated productivity occurred at
the transition between Hood Canal and the Main Basin
with 12292.32 mg·C·m-2·d-1. Microplankton dominated the size-specific
primary productivity and biomass at four of the six stations whereas
nanoplankton dominated at the remaining two stations from Hood Canal. Nutrient concentrations were found to be
fairly high at all stations except the two stations in southern Hood Canal
where nanoplankton dominated.
Chris. 2003. Spatial
distribution of phytoplankton within the Triple Junction of Puget
The correlation of phytoplankton was
examined within the triple junction of Puget
Sound, Washington
using geostatistics. Semivarience of
forty one stations shows a boundary in which data-collecting stations can be
considered correlated. The distance is
smaller than that of a single ocean satellite pixel.
Pratt, Andrea. 2004. Pre- and post-industrial deposition of black
carbon in Puget
Sound sediments
Black carbon (BC) is derived from
anthropogenic activity such as fossil fuel combustion, and biomass burning and
also from natural processes such as river runoff over exposed graphite. Sources are linked to climate history and
changes in land-use and industrialization.
Historic BC deposition from the atmosphere and river run off can be
measured in marine or lake sediments and represent a significant sink in the
global carbon cycle. A 3.38-m-long
piston core was collected from the Main Basin of Puget Sound (47° 45.33, 122°
24.84). Accumulation rates were
determined using the 210Pb chronology method. Sediments were then analyzed for BC
concentrations using thermal oxidation, acidification and elemental analysis
techniques. BC deposition was constant
until the mid 1850's and has increased since the Industrial Revolution. A steady decrease is observed since the
1970's. The % wt of BC in sediments
ranged from 0.13%-0.95% with a subsurface maximum in 1895 and a smaller peak in
1969. A similar trend was found in Lake Washington where the subsurface maximum occurred
around 1900 and the smaller peak in the mid 1960's, yet both peaks were smaller
in magnitude. BC trends are correlated
to population and energy source patterns in the Puget
Sound region. No data on
this topic existed for Puget Sound prior to
this study. Isotope fractionation
analysis could later be preformed in an attempt to quantify source strength of
natural and anthropogenic sources.
Shelley. 2001. Can the
natural isotope 15N be used as a trophic level tracer in the Puget Sound food chain?
Stable isotope 15N
increases with each trophic level.
Phytoplankton preferentially assimilate 14N, causing the
remaining dissolved organic nitrogen (DIN) pool to be increasing higher in 15N
(Wada 1987). Animals preferentially
excrete 15N-depleted nitrogen, causing a magnification of 15N
in the food chain. A fairly constant
enrichment of 1 to 2 ppm has been observed at each step of the food web (Libes
1992). Thus the 15N of an
organism can be used to infer its trophic level. In this study, 15N
values of phytoplankton, Copepods, Aetideus
sp., Amphipods, Euphausiids, and Euchaeta
sp. were sampled from several different basins of Puget Sound in order to
develop a partial food web in the Puget Sound. Samples were collected in both winter and
spring to see if there were any consistent differences in the entire food
web. Winter 15N values showed
food web increases of approximately 0.75 ppm from Aetideus sp. through Euchaeta
sp. Spring 15N values put
each step of the food web at about 1.4 ppm from phytoplankton through
Amphipods. The importance of this is
that it shows a strong possibility of a different diet for the sample species
between the two seasons.
David. 2003. The
presence of Synechococcus in
different aquatic environments around Puget
Sound, Washington
Cyanobacteria ascribed to the genus Synechococcus are widely distributed in
various aquatic environments around the world, yet they are poorly represented
in Puget Sound, an important marine ecosystem in Washington State. Water samples were taken from river,
estuarine, and lake environments around Puget Sound
in order to determine if Synechococcus
were present in these different aquatic systems. Samples from the Snohomish
River, Possession Sound, Northern Main
Basin and Lake
Washington were analyzed utilizing flow cytometry, epifluorescence
microscopy and PCR. Through these
methods, Synechococcus was positively
identified in all of the samples. Flow
cytometry complimented by epifluorescence microscopy revealed that
concentrations of Synechococcus cells
were extremely low in the river and estuarine stations, ranging from 3-5 cells
ml-1. As a result there was
no amplification of 16S-23S cyanobacterial ribosomal DNA in these samples
because of insufficient amounts of DNA template. Cell concentrations in Lake
Washington were determined to be 1x103 cells ml-1
and were close to anticipated values.
This higher concentration of cells enabled some amplification of Synechococcus 16S-23S rDNA genes as seen
in the PCR analysis. This study was
conducted during an El Nino year and it is likely that increased mixing in the
surface layer due to an El Nino event is responsible for the very low cell concentrations.
Brandon. 2000. Variability
in egg production of natural populations of Calanus
pacificus from Puget Sound,
Mesozooplankton secondary production
in aquatic food webs is critical in the energy transfer of primary producers to
higher trophic levels. Detailed knowledge
of copepod reproductive behavior, especially egg production, is required to
understand marine heterotrophic food webs.
The specific goal of this study was to determine the degree to which egg
production of Calanus pacificus
correlates with egg size, female prosome length, egg hatching success, and
available food concentrations. Samples were collected by vertical net tow from
the R/V Thomas G. Thompson on 3-7
April 2000, at six stations along a transect extending from the Main Basin of
Puget Sound into lower Hood Canal, Washington.
Calanus pacificus females
(10-40 individuals per station) were sorted under a dissecting microscope to
conduct short-term incubation experiments.
After 24-28 hrs the incubations were terminated and released eggs were counted
and a random subsample of eggs was sized using an inverted microscope at
250X. The remaining eggs were allowed to
hatch for an additional 48 hrs in order to estimate hatching success. Female prosome length was measured using a
dissecting microscope and available food concentrations were estimated from
fluorescence profiles developed at each station. Egg production was correlated with egg size
and female size, but not with hatching success or available food concentrations. This study may elucidate ways in which these
parameters can be used to predict and quantify secondary production in many
marine systems.
Jessica. 2001. Distribution
and production of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in Puget Sound, WA
Transparent exopolymer particles
(TEP) are composed of dissolved carbohydrates exuded from phytoplankton. TEP particles are believed to be coupled with
aggregation of phytoplankton blooms and formation of marine snow, and can
provide a potential means for transporting organic matter to the
sediments. The objectives of this study
were to determine the relationships between phytoplankton productivity and TEP
production in the Main
Basin and Hood Canal of
Puget Sound. Chlorophyll and TEP samples
were taken at three depths, including the chlorophyll maximum, and
four-day-long incubations were constructed using seawater from the chlorophyll
maximum at one Hood Canal and one Main Basin
station. TEP concentrations were
determined spectrophotometrically using an alcian blue stain. Phytoplankton productivity was measured using
14C incubations to quantify TEP production with respect to
phytoplankton productivity. A positive
correlation between TEP concentration and productivity was observed in Main Basin
incubations where the dominant plankton were diatoms. However, in Hood Canal
incubations no TEP, productivity correlation was observed. TEP concentrations
measured in the Main
Basin were significantly
lower then expected ranging from 21.8 µg xanthan equiv. L-1 to 76.4 µg xanthan equiv. L-1. Single cells of Phaeocystis were dominant in Hood Canal
and are known to produce larger amounts of carbohydrates. Higher TEP concentrations were therefore
measured in Hood Canal incubations, up to 1579 µg xanthan
equiv. L-1. Relating TEP
production and abundance to productivity, chlorophyll a, and phytoplankton abundances will increase our understanding of
the timing and mechanisms involved in TEP interactions, aggregation, and
Richard. 2000. Nutritional
quality of phytoplankton as a food source for zooplankton in Puget sound, WA,
determined by chemical composition
Various properties of phytoplankton
that determine their quality as a food source for zooplankton have been
determined through years of research.
This study focused on one set of phytoplankton properties (chemical
composition) and several food quality indicators (prosome length, egg diameter,
and egg production rates) in Hood Canal and the Main Basin. Phytoplankton samples and zooplankton (Calanus pacificus) were collected along
a six station transect of these two basins in Puget Sound, WA
aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson
during 3-7 April 2000. Phytoplankton
food quality was analyzed for total protein content, carbon/nitrogen ratios,
chlorophyll a concentrations, and phaeopigment concentrations using
conventional methods. The first goal of
this study was to quantify potential spatial variability in chemical
composition between the two basins.
Second, a correlation between chemical composition and food quality
indicators was determined. Variability
was evident in all chemical analyses conducted, particularly Hood Canal,
which contained steady gradients with most parameters. Chemical composition also correlated well
with Calanus pacificus prosome length
and egg diameter, and to a lesser extent with egg production suggesting that
these parameters were accurate measurements for determining zooplankton size
and fecundity.
Brian. 2000. Discriminating
the relative impact of point vs non-point
sources of fecal coliform
contamination in Hood Canal,
Fecal coliform abundance was
measured in the main channel of Hood Canal, along the shore, and at the mouth of the Skokomish River,
to characterize the extent of fecal contamination in the Hood Canal
system. Samples were collected from R/V Thomas G. Thompson and R/V Wee Lander and analyzed via membrane
filtration and culture techniques to discriminate the relative impact of a
point source of fecal contamination - the Skokomish
River - versus a non-point source -
land runoff, agriculture, etc. - in the Hood Canal
estuary. High coliform abundances were
found at the mouth of the Skokomish; the abundances decreased with distance
from the river. These high abundances,
coupled with a correlation between coliform abundance and salinity, implicate
the Skokomish River as a point source of coliform
bacteria into the system. Higher and
more variable coliform abundances along the shore of Hood
Canal as compared to the mid-canal imply non-point sources of fecal coliform
entry into the system as well.
Patricia. 2004. Influences
on the abundance of sediment bacteria in an estuarine system, Big Beef Creek, Washington
Marine sediments are inhabited by
bacteria from the exposed tidal flat into the deep sea. To better understand what influences the
abundance of bacteria at Big Beef Creek Estuary, associated factors that can
affect bacterial abundance were examined:
porewater salinity, organic carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sediment
type. Sediment samples were collected,
stained and counted by epifluorescence microscopy to determine bacterial
abundance. The range of salinity had no
effect on the abundance from 1.33 to 26.67 .
There were two types of sediment present, sand and mud. Bacterial abundances throughout the creek
were not significantly different, ranging from 4.86 x 109 to 1.04 x
1010 bacteria per ml with one standard deviation. The difference in the sediment types did not
affect the abundance of bacteria.
Organic carbon and nitrogen levels corresponded to the vegetation and
animals inhabiting the area. No
correlation was found between organic carbon, nitrogen and bacterial
abundance. The factors influencing the
abundances of sediment bacteria may be complex.
The current levels may reflect the pressure of grazing by other
Straza, Tiffany. 2005. Bacterial richness along an oxygen gradient in Hood Canal, Washington,
determined using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism
Bacterial populations are an
integral component of the marine environment, playing several roles in the
ecosystem. Because different species of
bacteria play different roles, measuring the species richness of bacteria in a
given environment is an important start toward understanding the complexity of
the system. In this study, the bacterial
diversity in Hood
Canal was measured using
terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (tRFLP) analysis. Hood
Canal's oxygen trends
low oxygen particularly in the deeper and southern waters made possible an
analysis of bacterial richness with comparison to a critical environmental
factor, oxygen. Samples were taken
throughout the water column at four stations, including the northern and
southern endpoints of the Canal. At the
time of this study, oxygen values ranged from 8.84 mg O2 L-1 in
the surface water of the northern station to 2.75 mg O2 L-1 in
the deepest sample of the southern station.
Bacterial richness ranged from 40 to 1 bacterial types. The bacterial richness at the site with
lowest oxygen was 25; the richness at the site with highest oxygen was 7. No
significant trends were observed between richness and the environmental
variables tested. The similarity of types was greatest between surface and
mid-column samples at the same sites, and least between sites at the opposite
extremes of oxygen concentrations.
Lesa. 2000. Relationship
of oxygen concentration to euphausiid abundance, species composition, and
vertical distribution in Hood Canal,
Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations
below the biological stress level of 5.0 mg/L persist at depths greater than 15
m in southern Hood
Canal. Because this low DO appears to be increasing
spatially and temporally, it is important to determine if the low DO has a
significant effect on the biological community of Hood Canal. DO concentrations were measured and
euphausiids collected throughout the water column at two stations, one in
northern and one in southern Hood
Canal. Two species of
euphausiids, Euphausia pacifica and Thyanoessa raschii were collected.
There were significantly more euphausiids collected at the southern than
northern station. Euphausia pacifica
was the dominant species at the southern station and nearly absent from the
northern station. Thyanoessa raschii
was found in low, but similar abundance at the northern and southern
stations. However, evidence is weak for
a relationship between euphausiid abundance, species composition, and
distribution and DO concentrations in Hood Canal. Possible alternate explanations for the
observed euphausiid community structure include an unexplained NH4
plume, temperatures below Euphausia pacifica spawning
range, and vertical mixing at the northern station.
Meredith. 2003. Photorespiration
and glycine decarboxylase expression in phytoplankton communities in Puget Sound, WA
Photorespiration is the process by
which the photosynthetic enzyme, ribulose biphosphate carboxyalse/oxygenase
(RUBISCO), rather than binding to carbon dioxide, binds to oxygen. This leads to loss of energy, and release of
carbon dioxide and organic compounds into the environment. On a 5-6 March 2003 cruise on Puget Sound, Washington,
water samples were collected from Main
Basin and Dabob Bay,
to assess the presence of photorespiration in phytoplankton communities. RNA was extracted from the samples and
converted to cDNA for analysis.
Degenerate primers were used to detect gene expression of glycine
decarboxylase (GDC), an enzyme tied to the photorespiratory cycle. PCR of the surface samples from Main Basin
and Dabob Bay,
as well as the 20 m sample from Main
Basin showed successful
amplification of GDC with the primers.
Four sequences were obtained from the Dabob Bay
surface sample, confirming expression of GDC.
While photorespiration could not be demonstrated conclusively, it is the
likely source of GDC expression in these samples.
Paul. 2002. Aldehyde
effects on hatching success of Calanus
In the first two trophic levels of a
marine food web, primary producing diatoms often constitute a major dietary
portion of secondary producing copepods.
The copepod Calanus pacificus
reproduces by spawning fertilized eggs freely into the water column. A paradox has been observed that hatching
success of C. pacificus eggs
decreases when certain species of diatoms are a major portion of the copepod's
diet. The presence of a
hatching-inhibiting compound in diatoms has long been suggested and recently 3
aldehydes isolated from different diatoms have been proposed as possible
hatching inhibitors. In this paper, C. pacificus eggs collected from two
locations in southern Hood
Canal, Puget Sound USA
were exposed to the aldehyde 2-trans-4-trans-decadienal in varying
concentrations to test the hatching-inhibiting hypothesis of 2-trans-4-trans-decadienal. C.
pacificus were also collected from a third location in Hood Canal (Dabob Bay)
and fed a diatom diet and a non-diatom control for 6 days. Eggs collected from these copepods were
exposed to one concentration of aldehyde to test hatching inhibition. Neither of the hatching experiments resulted
in significant differences in hatching success between aldehyde-treated eggs
and controls. These findings contradict
the hypothesis that 2-trans-4-trans-decadienal reduces hatching
success of Calanus pacificus eggs.
Matt. 2000. Spring
abundance of zooplankton related to particulate organic material across the
Hood Canal sill, Puget Sound,
The density of four classes of zooplankton was calculated
from vertical net tows done at three stations around the Hood
Canal sill, Puget Sound, Washington. Suspended particulate matter, particulate
organic matter, chlorophyll a, and
CTD data were taken and used to determine the most important factor in
zooplankton distribution. Comparisons
were made between stations and day vs. night at each station. A significant link between zooplankton
abundance and the availability of food could not be determined, and advection
is thought to be the primary factor governing the distribution of zooplankton
at this location.
Williams, Cheryl. 2004. Size distribution and genetic diversity of
phytoplankton in Dabob Bay,
The size spectra and diversity of
phytoplankton have an enormous effect on carbon and nutrient cycling and food
web dynamics. In order to characterize
the phytoplankton community in Dabob Bay in Puget Sound, Washington, seawater
was collected on 25 February, 4, 11, 25 March, 8 and April 2004, at the surface
and between 7 and 15 m. The seawater was
filtered through 20, 5, and 0.7 mm filters consecutively. Nutrient, chlorophyll, and TRFLP analyses
were conducted. Nitrate was the primary
nitrogen source ranging from 0.01 to 0.32 mmol L-1. The >20 mm size fraction
dominated at the surface and at 7-15 m for all cruises except cruises 1 and 2,
when the 0.7-5 mm size fraction comprised 60 and 50% of
the total chlorophyll. TRFLP was
performed with the gene psbA to
quickly assess the diversity of phytoplankton.
The number of terminal fragment peaks and their lengths were highly
variable for cruises 1 through 4, however, on cruise 5 all three size classes
shared three of four terminal fragments.
The highest diversity was found in the 0.7-5 mm
size class on cruise 1 and the lowest diversity was found in the >20 mm
size class on cruise 2. Understanding
the size distribution and genetic diversity of the phytoplankton in Dabob Bay
will aid in the understanding of the estuarine food web as a whole.
Wood, Neil. 2000. A comparison of phytoplankton community
compositions and species diversity in Puget Sound,
Main Basin
vs Hood Canal
Phytoplankton species diversity and
dominant phytoplankton species were determined in two different regions (Hood Canal
and Main Basin)
of Puget Sound, Washington.
Samples from three stations in each region were collected from two
depths (surface and chlorophyll maximum) to determine local differences in the
phytoplankton community in Puget Sound. Main
Basin stations were
dominated by the diatoms Skeletonema
costatum, Thalassiosira
nordenskioeldii, and Ditylum
brightwellii. In general, Hood Canal
stations were dominated by the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea and the diatoms Pseudo-nitzschia spp and Chaetoceros
spp. With two minor exceptions, no
substantial differences in dominant phytoplankton were observed between the two
sampled depths. Mixing of water bodies
at the transition of the two regions appears to have created a composite of
predominant Main Basin
and Hood Canal species at the closest adjacent
regional stations. The strong presence
of S. trochoidea in the southern Hood Canal
stations, in conjunction with lower chlorophyll-a to phaeopigment ratios, point
to the end of a recent phytoplankton bloom in this area. Phytoplankton species diversity was higher in
Hood Canal
than in the Main Basin;
this difference may be attributed to the presence of a greater number of
microhabitats in Hood
Canal (greater shore to
volume ratio). While neither
hydrographic conditions (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen) or nutrient
concentrations appeared to be associated with species diversity, the presence
of available nutrients may have been related to levels of species diversity at
the Hood Canal stations.
Wood, Theresa. 2005. The effects of nutrient concentrations on
jellyfish abundance in Puget Sound
Due to increasing anthropogenic
input, eutrophication in some areas is becoming a problem. Eutrophication may change the composition of
the higher trophic levels in marine systems from fish to jellyfish. By looking at food webs in different bodies
of water, it can be shown that jellyfish populations are enhanced in eutrophic
conditions. Non-eutrophic water would
support a diatom/large zooplankton/fish food chain, while eutrophic water would
support a flagellate/small zooplankton/jellyfish food chain. Nutrients, chlorophyll a,
microzooplankton, zooplankton, and jellyfish were sampled at five different
stations in Puget Sound. The nutrient values compared to the amount of
chlorophyll a present showed that all of the stations were
eutrophic. The data showed a mix of the
two food chains not just one or the other present at each station. Two of the five stations support the
hypothesis that jellyfish populations are enhanced in eutrophic conditions.
Jason. 2001. Coliphages
as an indicator of fecal contamination in northern Puget Sound
This study
was prompted by the concern over the increased discharge of treated sewage that
will occur upon implementation of King
County's proposed wastewater treatment
plant in northern Puget Sound. The purpose of this study was to assess the
use of coliphages as a fecal pollution indicator. Concentrations of coliphages and the
traditional coliform indicator of fecal pollution were measured at five sites
between March and May 2001. Of 40 water
samples tested, coliforms were present in 39 and coliphages in all 40. The means of all samples, per 100 ml, were
174.2 ± 112.7 pfu (range: 13-464) for coliphages
and 51.3 ± 75.6 cfu (range: 0-430) for fecal
coliforms. Coliphage concentrations were
higher than coliforms in all samples, suggesting that they are a more reliable
fecal indicator. Non-point source
discharges appeared to be more important in the distribution of fecal
indicators in Puget Sound than point
sources. Based on the results of this
study and recent reports on the association of coliphages with enteric
diseases, future studies on the determination of water quality should involve
coliphage enumeration.
Bui, Tan. 2003. Examination of the main food source for the
amphipod Cyphocaris challengeri in Puget Sound using stable isotopes
The main food source for the
amphipod Cyphocaris challengeri in Puget Sound, Washington was defined by stable isotope analyses
of amphipods, the copepod Calanus, and organic matter deposited in surface
sea-floor sediments. Samples were
collected November 25, 2002 and again April 8, 2003 aboard the R/V Clifford A. Barnes. Prior studies suggest a 3.2 (ppt)
bioamplification in the d15N of marine animals versus their diet. The d15N data on fall samples excluded organic matter from
sea-floor sediments as the main food source for Cyphocaris because the difference in their d15N was 7.59 (ppt). The d15N shift of 1.44 (ppt) between Cyphocaris and Calanus from
fall samples did not indicate copepod as the sole food source either, but
suggest Cyphocaris may also feed on
organisms besides the copepods when copepod availability is reduced. The bioamplification in the d15N shift of Cyphocaris versus Calanus in
the spring was 3.13 (ppt). The d15N shift of 3.13 (ppt) indicate that Calanus is indeed the main food source for Cyphocaris when copepods are more abundant in the spring. This is supported by the d13C shift between the two organisms of 0.88
(ppt), which agreed with the literature value of 0.75-1.0 (ppt). An overall decrease in d15N shift that was observed from fall to
spring can be attributed to the greater availability of food in spring when
continuous feeding of 14N enriched organisms would cause a decrease
in d15N.
Matthew. 2001. Concentrations
of Ag, As, Cu, and Sn in Mytilus edulis
from the Whidbey Basin,
Puget Sound
The main
goals of this study were: 1) to
determine the levels of the metals of interest present in mussels collected
from the Whidbey Basin,
in northern Puget Sound, 2) to identify any
possible point sources of metal pollution, and 3) to compare data from this
study with time series data from the NOAA Mussel Watch program. Concentrations for Ag and Sn were at or below
the quantification limits for all sites.
The concentrations of As and Cu were fairly uniform throughout the
basin. As averaged 17.0 ± 0.7 ppm and Cu concentrations averaged
12.7 ± 0.7 ppm with the exception of Everett
Marina. The samples in Everett Marina
had Cu concentrations of 48.28 ± 0.04 ppm. The data
for this study are 2.3X higher in As and 1.5X higher in Cu than the data from
the NOAA Mussel Watch Program at the same sites. Possible explanations for this difference are
based primarily on differences in collection month, December for NOAA vice
April in this study. These temporal
differences could yield differences in food availability/intake, metal
availability, or physiological differences (i.e. mating cycle). Recent studies also suggest that there is
significant seasonal variability in the concentrations of Cu and other metals
accumulated by some species of macroalgae (Teresa et al. 2001). It seems unlikely that the high metal
concentrations observed in this study are the result of procedural or
analytical error, because laboratory blanks yielded consistent numbers below
quantification limits and analysis of NIST Standard Reference Material
corresponded to the certified values for Cu and As.
Karen. 2001. Comparative
survival of fecal coliforms and enterococcus native to Puget Sound and the
Snohomish river with variation in sunlight, temperature, and salinity
Enteric bacteria and viral
contamination of recreational and drinking water poses an important health
risk. Therefore, accurate prediction of
the survival rate of fecal coliforms and enterococcus is crucial when assessing
the threat to human health. Different
bacteria are affected differently by such factors as UV radiation, temperature,
and salinity. The inactivation rates of
wild strains fecal coliforms (FC) and enterococcus (Ent) from Puget Sound and
the Snohomish River were compared to determine
susceptibility to environmental stresses.
The traditional membrane filtration method was used for enumeration of
the daily subsamples. Inactivation coefficients
(kT) were measured from a log-linear % survival curve. The kT for FC was approximately
1.3 times that for Ent, and inactivation was generally slower at lower
radiation and salinity. The time
necessary for 90 % of the enterococcus to die off (T90) showed a
significant increase with increasing salinity.
The 13° C chamber T90 for Ent was
4.35 days at 0.00 psu and increased to 5.50 days at 24.30 psu, whereas FC T90
decreased from 3.94 days at 0.00 psu to less than one day at 24.30 psu. Most of the inactivation appeared to be a result
of increasing salinity and UV radiation.
The inactivation rates for both types of bacteria in the dark chamber
showed a similar trend, with the inactivation coefficients similar to the lower
radiation levels. The combined data gave
a general inactivation ranking of FC> Ent and warm > cold. However there
were significant differences in inactivation rates between experiments,
indicating the contribution to inactivation of factors other than temperature,
salinity, and UV radiation.
Kassakian, Steve.
Nitrogen isotopic variations in
nitrate in the Hood Canal, Puget Sound Washington:
Confirmation of the kinetic isotope effect of sedimentary
southern end of the Hood
Canal exhibits low
oxygen, ~60 µmoles L-1, in the deeper layers. The dissolved oxygen levels measured in early
March 2004 were the lowest values ever reported for this time of year. As the remineralization of organic material
in the Hood Canal occurs, there is clear evidence of
denitrification. The amount of nitrate
lost, assuming Redfield ratio for the organic material, is on the order of 28
µmoles L-1 in the southern end of the Hood Canal.
The d15NO3-
of the nitrate does not increase with the occurrence of denitrification,
confirming that denitrification occurs in the sediments rather than the water
column, as expected given the results of previous studies. The fact that d15NO3-
shows no increase in the water column overlying areas of intense sedimentary
denitrification confirms a small or non-existent kinetic isotope effect (e)
for sedimentary denitrification.
Lisa. 2000. The
transfer of Ag from sewage effluent to copepods, amphipods, arrow worms, and
euphausiids in Hood Canal and at West Point, Puget Sound
Silver (Ag) concentrations were
determined in samples of West Point sewage effluent as well as Puget Sound zooplankton species including amphipods,
arrow worms, euphausiids and copepods.
The zooplankton collection sites included Hood
Canal and just off West
Point. Higher Ag
concentrations were found in the zooplankton from the West
Point station, presumably due to the closer proximity to the
wastewater treatment plant effluent. Ag
concentrations were lower in copepods compared to the other species sampled
(which prey on copepods). This suggests
Cindy. 2000. Particulate
arsenic concentrations in Puget Sound and Lake Washington
Box core sampling occurred during
spring 2000 to determine particulate arsenic, iron, and antimony concentrations
from two stations in Puget Sound (Quartermaster
Harbor and Fox
Island) and one station in Lake Washington
(Madison Park). Samples were
partially digested and then analyzed using ICP-AES. The highest particulate arsenic
concentrations occurred at the Lake Washington station, followed by Quartermaster Harbor
and then Fox Island.
The Lake Washington station was the
station most enriched in arsenic from the smelter, has the slowest
sedimentation rate of the three stations and no visible signs of
bioturbation. Both Puget
Sound cores had signs of bioturbation, which may have led to some
of the inconsistency in the profiles there.
The faster sedimentation rates and dilution effect due to bioturbation
make it not surprising for the Puget Sound
cores to have lower particulate arsenic concentrations.
Angela. 2000. Sediment
fluxes as the main source of high ammonium concentrations in northern Hood Canal
and the Main Basin of Puget Sound,
Two seasonal ammonium plumes have
been detected in the Puget Sound water column, one over the northern Hood Canal
sill, and the other in the Main
Basin, near Alki
Point. Causes of these occurrences were
previously unknown. To test the
hypothesis that diffusive ammonium sediment fluxes are high enough to provide
the necessary amount of ammonium in the water column, flux rates and nitrogen
isotopes were measured. Benthic ammonium
fluxes were determined using concentration gradients in the sediments and
overlying water. A diffusive flux of
ammonium, measuring 0.756 pmol·cm-2·s-1, leaving the
sediment/water interface in April 2000 appears adequate to supply 23% to 92% of
the necessary quantity of ammonium over the Hood Canal sill, the exact value
depending on the rate of irrigation. The
sediment ammonium flux in the Main
Basin, 0.580 pmol·cm-2·s-1,
is only sufficient to supply 9.5% of the observed ammonium concentration in the
overlying water at that location, with a maximum of 38% when irrigation is
included. Nitrogen isotopes, determined
by mass spectrometry, in the pore water of the sediments at Hood Canal
average 13.70 , while the water column above has an average isotope value of
12.07 , suggesting a benthic origin of the nitrogen in the ammonium in the
water column at the Hood
Canal station.
Wendi. 2000. Tracing
seasonal changes in circulation of Hood
Canal, Puget Sound, Washington
State, using chlorofluorocarbons as conservative tracers
Changes in seasonal circulation may
be a contributing factor to the intensification of naturally low dissolved
oxygen concentrations observed at the southern end of Hood
Canal, Puget
Sound. Chlorofluorocarbon
concentrations measured in water samples taken in December 1999 and April 2000
were used as conservative tracers to observe general circulation patterns and
calculate seasonal flow rates and residence times in a 3-box model of the Hood Canal. Flow rate through the deep water at the
southern end increased between December and April, from 6.04 x 102
to 1.14 x 103 m3·s-1, with a consequent
decrease in residence time from 153 to 81 d.
An increase in flow rate would generally not contribute to low dissolved
oxygen concentrations, since more water would flow through at depth and up to
the surface, where it could be re-saturated with atmospheric oxygen. Because of
annual and seasonal variability, these data are only applicable for the time
period between December 1999 and April 2000, but can be added to a larger data
set of more seasons and years, which can then be used to make conclusions about
the effect of seasonal circulation changes on dissolved oxygen concentrations.
Erica. 2000. An
investigation into the possible use of caffeine as a tracer for sewage effluent
in Puget Sound, Washington, USA
The presence of caffeine in Puget Sound, Washington,
USA, in
association with sewage effluent discharge could be used as a tracer for the
discharge plume. Water samples of 4 L
were collected in a transect across a pipe used for the dispersion of sewage
effluent by the West Point, Seattle,
sewage facility. Duplicate 1 L water
samples were filtered through solid phase extraction cartridges and eluted with
methanol and an 80%/20% methylene chloride/methanol solution. The resulting 7 mL were evaporated under a
gentle stream of nitrogen and re-suspended in 0.5 mL of methylene
chloride. Caffeine standards tended to
have retention times between 13.9 min to 14.1 min when analyzed by gas
chromatography flame ionization detection and sample from the sampling stations
near West Point contained chromatographic
peaks of differing heights at similar retention times. Upon investigation of these samples by gas
chromatography mass spectrometry the peaks were determined to be caused by the
presence of phthalates. The results of
this study did not provide any indication that caffeine could be used as a
tracer for the discharge plume caused by the release of sewage effluent into Puget Sound.
Keith. 2002. Temporal
changes in dissolved iron concentrations during the spring algal bloom in Hood Canal, Puget Sound
There is compelling evidence that
phytoplankton growth in the open ocean is limited by iron concentrations. Typical high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC)
regimes (iron < 1nM) give rise to surprisingly low phytoplankton growth and
production. Iron limited phytoplankton
growth has not been thoroughly documented in estuarine environments, although
some coastal studies have been done with mixed results. This research analyzed dissolved iron
concentrations within Hood
Canal to establish
possible correlations between iron concentrations and phytoplankton
biomass. Strong correlations between
these two factors might suggest that iron limiting conditions have the
potential to influence phytoplankton growth.
Samples were analyzed with the MASTER (MBARI Analytical System for Trace
Element Research) resin chemiluminescence technique. It was hypothesized that dissolved iron
concentrations in Dabob Bay, Hood
Canal, would decrease from
February to April with the arrival of the annual spring phytoplankton
bloom. Dissolved iron concentrations
showed atypical limiting nutrient profiles and were found to be between 1.2 nM
and 12.7 nM. Total acid soluble iron
concentrations, however, were much higher and showed more classically limited
depth profiles, ranging between 12.2 nM and 238.6 nM. Concentrations of iron found in this study
are higher than that of other coastal studies and show clear relationships with
chlorophyll concentrations. Nutrient
limited profiles as well as inverse relationships with chlorophyll existed, but
the dissolved iron concentrations did not decrease appreciably over the three
month long sampling period. Had
concentrations decreased it might have indicated that iron limiting conditions
exist in Dabob Bay.
Stratton, Virginia.
2004. Determining temporal changes in carbon sources and d13C ratios in
sediment cores due to anthropogenic activity near the West Point sewage
treatment facility
The purpose of this study was to
determine the importance of marine and terrestrial sources of organic matter
flux into sediments in the main basin
of Puget Sound, Washington.
A 3.3-meter -long piston core and four Van Veen grab samples were
collected near the West Point sewage outfall. Sub-samples were analyzed for d13C and d15N as well as molar C:N ratios. The stable isotope ratios of both C and N
underwent a roughly 20% shift toward more terrestrial values approximately 150
years before present. This shift,
concurrent with the industrial revolution and a drastic increase in human
activity in the Puget Sound region, indicated
that anthropogenic activity has had a significant effect on organic matter
sources. While this study did not
conclusively establish a single primary source for the terrestrial organic
matter, when coupled with previous studies on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
(PAH) concentrations in Puget Sound sediments,
a correlation with anthropogenic combustion-derived hydrocarbon concentrations
was indicated.
Aaron. 2003. Concentration
of heavy metals in sediments beneath tidal eddies: A case study from Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington
Clement, Curtis. 2004. Seismic reflection imaging across steep gravity
and magnetic anomaly gradients in southern Puget Sound, WA:
Future fault or benign block?
Marine seismic reflection data were
collected across gravity and magnetic anomalies associated with the Olympia
Structure in southern Puget Sound (Budd, Eld,
and Totten Inlets). The project was
designed to test the hypothesis that the potential field gradients are caused
by a fault. Eighty seven km were
surveyed in the three inlets; the track lines ran parallel with the length of
the inlets to transect as much of the anomalies as possible. Evidence for a strike slip fault was found at
the mouth of Budd Inlet with a strike of ~300o (NW) across
channel. The best evidence is 1 m of
displacement across a sag in subhorizontal bedding that is directly above a
dipping reflector with equal displacement only with opposite throw. Approximately 150 m to the north of the sag
is a band of acoustic diffractions.
Across the band was 1.5 m of displacement. The strike of the fault is aligned with
lineaments mapped on land using LiDAR data, which indicates that motion could
have occurred as recently as the late Pleistocene. In the southern end of Budd Inlet is a basin
140 m deep and approximately 3.5 km long filled with horizontal layers. This basin is interpreted as a glacial
outwash channel and is presumably filled with sub-glacial alluvium at depth and
covered with marine muds and clays. The
existence of this fault has important implications for the apportionment of
seismic hazard per fault within the Lowland.
Jill. 2003. Sediment
transport regime and seasonal changes in beach morphology at Cama Beach, Camano Island:
Implications for the stability of eelgrass habitat
1.3-km-long portion of Cama
Beach was surveyed in the
summer of 2002 and winter 2003 to assess the possible impact of the sediment
transport regime and seasonal changes in beach morphology on eelgrass
habitat. Nine elevation transects were
surveyed in the southern third of the beach; thirteen were surveyed in the
northern third. Slopes ranged from
4°-7°; showing little change in slope occurred between summer and winter. However, profiles indicated that
approximately 4800 m3 of material had been removed (probably to the
north) from the northern area during the ~6-month long period. Little erosion occurred in the southern area
during the same time period. A wave
(pressure) gauge deployed off the southern end of the beach measured wave
heights of 0.7 m during a March 2003 storm.
In April 2003 near-bottom currents ranging from 1.1 to 16.8 cm s-1 were
measured in the lower intertidal zone along 1.3 km of the beach; these
velocities are capable of moving coarse sand.
Sediment samples collected from a single transect across the beach
showed find sand dominating in the eelgrass beds; beach sediment coarsens to
medium sand in the upper part of the intertidal zone. Cama
Beach eelgrass beds,
covering an area of 22.4 x 103 m2, occur in water depths
up to 7 m, the upper extent exposed during low tide. Physical conditions measured in this study,
covering two seasons, do not appear to pose a threat to stability of eelgrass
beds. Erosion in the northern part of
the beach should, however, be carefully monitored.
John. 2003. Holocene
faulting in the Tacoma
basin: Implications for
the thrust sheet hypothesis and potential earthquake hazards
Seismic reflection data were
collected in Carr Inlet, Case Inlet, and Hood Canal
of the Puget Lowland in effort to reveal pertinent subsurface information about
the inferred Tacoma Fault zone. Gravity,
tomography and LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data infer the existence of
a major feature separating Seattle Basin and the Tacoma Basin. During this study 110 km of seismic
reflection data were collected and analyzed for faulting. The survey lines were chosen to profile along
known fault scarps located on land adjacent to the study areas. Sub-bottom penetration in the data varied
from 1 m up to 130 m, inferred muddy or hard bottom regions provided minimal
penetration. Imaging in areas closest to
fault scarps that have been mapped on land (Case Inlet) was poor and
penetration was minimal. In these
regions bathymetry was mapped for anomalies found in the basin. Although faulting was not imaged in Case
Inlet, it can be inferred from subsurface features and their alignment with
faults scarps found on land. In Hood Canal
disruptions in the sedimentary sequence through the northeastern part of the
survey area revealed features to align with inferred fault scarps displayed on
LiDAR maps and a possible uplifted terrace.
All of these features combined provide evidence for shallow (<60 m)
faulting in Hood Canal. Carr Inlet generated conclusive
imaging of Holocene faulting with ~4m of uplift displayed. North of this fault, seismic reflection data
show disruptions and methane gas saturated sections that align generally
east-west across the basin. This study
has found conclusive evidence supporting faulting along the Tacoma fault zone during the Holocene. The faulting found in this study, however,
does not align closely east-west through the lowland. For this reason the data seem to point toward
the existence of a deep-seated thrust fault (3 km) with a series of blind
faults above it.
Davies, Maureen. 2004. The role of modern sedimentation and particulate
transport processes in the formation of central submarine rises in the
bathymetry of Puget Sound, Washington
At three
locations in Puget Sound, Washington, the bottom is characterized by
deep (250-280 m) troughs separated by a shallow (~215 m) central rise, forming
a striking W-shaped cross-section atypical of glaciated fjord-type
estuaries. Formation hypotheses were
tested by a detailed examination of the W-shaped bottom morphology in the Main
Basin of Puget Sound southwest of Edmonds. Seismic reflection profiles were examined for
indications of glacial scouring and nearby large-scale submarine
landslides. Bathymetric site surveys
were performed to accurately determine the bottom profile. Bottom samples, including 10 grab samples, 3
box cores, and 3 piston cores, were collected in late March 2004 along a
transect crossing the morphological feature in question. Samples were analyzed for accumulation rates
and grain size distributions for the axial rise and the flanking
depressions. The accumulation rate on
the central rise was found to be higher (6.2 mm y-1) than that of
the axial depressions (1.9 mm y-1 2 mm y-1). Mean grain size on the rise (17.18 µm) was
found to be finer than in the depressions (20.30 µm). Stronger near-bottom currents along the
flanks, produced by tides, preclude deposition of all but the coarsest sediment
in the depression. This results in low
sediment accumulation rates compared to rates in the low energy axial area, as
well as coarser sediment in the troughs compared to the axial high. Results primarily suggest that the W-shaped
bathymetry is due to post-glacial sedimentary processes governed by tidally
induced current regimes, although submarine landslides in the region
undoubtedly play a role.
Amy. 2003. Temporal
variations in trace metal concentrations in Lake
Washington sediments: An estimation of sediment response to
airborne pollutants
Arsenic concentration profiles
measured in modern sediments were used to determine if the reduced input of
anthropogenic arsenic to the atmosphere created by the closure of the ASARCO
Tacoma copper smelter in 1985 is reflected in the concentrations of recently
deposited Lake Washington sediments.
Subsamples from two cores collected on 4 March 2003 were analyzed for
concentrations of arsenic, antimony, aluminum, iron, and manganese using an
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer. Concentration profiles reveal
that arsenic, iron, and manganese are increasing in surface sediments, while
antimony and aluminum do not show consistent change over time. The highest modern arsenic concentrations, 95
and 117 mg kg-1 at LW1 and LW3, respectively, are located within the
upper 2 cm of sediment. However, the total arsenic flux into the surface mixed
layer at present is 1,700 ± 700 kg y-1, compared to 2,600 ± 700 kg y-1
as was calculated in 1974. This
indicates that surface sediment concentrations are decreasing in response to
the reduced arsenic input, but some previously deposited arsenic can be remobilized
and move along gradients within anoxic sediments. It can then precipitate in the oxygenated
surface layer, causing the increased surface concentration relative to depth.
An estimation of response times of Lake Washington
sediment is 82 ± 38 years, although there is high spatial variability. Results
from this study show that sediments create a dynamic environment in which
anthropogenic impacts can cause potentially hazardous conditions that remain
for extensive periods of time after the source has been eliminated.
Gendron, Austin. 2005. Water table dynamics at Lowell Point, Camano Island, Washington: A designer study for Puget Sound
An ebbing tide will cause fluctuations in
a beach watertable sometimes resulting in a decoupling of the two water
masses. The decoupling results in the
falling watertable lagging behind the ebbing tide creating a exfiltrating
seepage face. A hydrological field study
involving a series of measurements profiling the fluctuating water table over
an eight hour April ebbing spring tide in 2005 was conducted on Lowell Point at
Camano Island State Park. The sequence is relative to tidal elevation,
and was measured using a well method consisting of a series of peizometers on a
transect perpendicular to the shoreline.
The linear profile was constructed of 6 evenly placed wells within the
inter-tidal zone allowing the elevation of the water table to be easily
measured. A measurement of the tide
elevation over the ebbing tide was calculated using the Puget Sound Tide Channel
Model (PSTCM). Seepage face and exit
point was identified and profiled.
Comparison of the recorded tidal elevations and watertable heights to a
qualitative interpretation of the Darcian based SEEP model proved to coincide
with hydrological surveys of finer grained beaches, suggesting a relative
example for the mixed beaches of the Puget Sound.
Krynytzky, Marta. 2005. Humongous subaqueous sand dunes in Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington
A large (3.5 km2) field
of subaqueous sand dunes has been mapped in Admiralty Inlet, Puget
Sound, in 20-127 m of water.
The field was surveyed using a swath mapping system and a 3.5 kHz
subbottom profiler. The largest dunes
are 20 m high, with a wavelength of 375 m.
Wavelength to water depth (L/h) ratio is 4.36 which is typical for
intertidal dunes, height to water depth (H/h) ratio is 0.23 which is larger
than usually found in any environment, and vertical form index (L/H) is 18
which is unusually steep. Bedforms range
from symmetric to highly asymmetric. In
some areas of the field, mega ripples (2-5 m high) are superimposed on large
dunes at oblique angles. Bottom
sediments collected using a grab sampler at four sites within the bedform field
show the bedforms to consist of well sorted coarse sands. Five samples taken near the field were poorly
sorted and slightly coarser grained.
Acoustic Doppler current profiler measurements show maximum mean tidal
currents in the water column were 1.4 and 0.9 m s-1 for ebb and
flood flows, respectively, whereas modeling predicts peak bottom currents of
0.2 and 0.4 m s-1 for ebb and flood flows. These currents are capable of transporting
coarse sand, suggesting that the bedforms are active. A differencing analysis between two
bathymetric surveys (2002 and 2005) shows net northwest migration of ~10 m yr-1. Rapidly eroding shore bluffs on nearby Whidbey Island could be a sediment source for the
Kathleen. 2002. Gas
charged sediments and seafloor pockmarks in Puget Sound:
Implications for submarine geomorphology and slope stability
study shows that gas charged sediments contribute to the geomorphology of Puget Sound and that pockmarks are surface expressions of
vented gas. A subbottom profiler and
multibeam swath mapping system were used.
An area just south of the Elliott
Bay pockmark shows
irregular features indicative of erosion and a large slump is seen to the
southeast. Gravity and box cores were
taken from the pockmark and off-site stations.
These cores showed that the pockmark was formed from liquefaction of the
sediments, mixing the sediments found at depth with the surface sediments,
creating a hummocky and shell hashed surface.
The methane analysis of the sediments from these cores was not conclusive
because the depth of penetration for the pockmark and for the down current site
was not more than 5 cm and 14 cm, respectively.
A methane analysis was done of the water column above the stations and
found not to have any significant anomalies.
During the underway survey, a gas charged ridge was found and a methane
analysis was done on the 80 cm of sediment collected. This analysis showed an increase of 10 nM g-1
to 1200 nM g-1 in methane content with depth. From these analyses, a method for testing gas
charged sediments and slope stability with respect to nearshore and offshore
construction should be developed.
Colin. 2005. A
pæleo-oceanographic survey of past bottom water oxygen conditions in Hood Canal
Three piston cores, representing
approximately 247 years of sedimentary record, were obtained from the southern
half of the Hood Canal basin on 30 March 2005 to
investigate past bottom water oxygen (BWO) conditions and to determine if they
are proceeding toward a great hypoxic state.
In recent times there has been much concern as to whether or not
anthropogenic modifications to the water shed have contributed to
eutrophication of Hood
Canal. Classification and quantification of
sedimentary structures via X-radiography, and organic carbon to surface area
(OC:SA) analyses were performed on the 210Pb geochronology dated
cores in an attempt to determine if any trends indicating BWO states coincide
with the general increase in human population and related changes to the Hood
Canal water shed. X-radiograph results
indicate the presence of mottled sedimentary structures in all three
cores. The cores from the southernmost
reaches of the basin display characteristics indicative of BWO conditions
proceeding towards a greater hypoxic state.
The northernmost core indicates the exact opposite. Organic carbon to surface area ratios
indicate Hood Canal has never experienced any
prolonged periods of anoxia during the dates sampled. The higher end of the range from OC:SA values
obtained do coincide with those from a nearby seasonally anoxic fjord which may
indicate that Hood
Canal is a basin that has
a similar BWO regime, though care must be taken in interpreting this finding
because of an analytical step that was not performed in preparing the samples.
John. 2002. Sediment
transport processes on Possession Point Shoal, southern Whidbey
Island: Implications for tidal flow along the northern margin of
the Triple Junction
Bathymetry was mapped and sediment
samples were taken on Possession Shoal, southern Whidbey
Island. Megaripples found
on the south side of shoal cover an area of 1.5 km2 and have a 14 m
period and between 0.6 m and 1.0 m amplitude.
The megaripples appear to be propagating southeastward towards a
sediment fan south of Possession Sound.
Megaripples within a south trending canyon that partially bisects the
shoal cover an area of 0.1 km2.
Megaripples within the canyon have differing periods depending on which
side of the canyon axis (thalweg) they lie.
The megaripples on the east side of the canyon, which have a 10 m period
and 1 m amplitude, appear to be propagating southward whereas the megaripples
on the west side of the canyon, that have a 35 m to 40 m period and a 3 m to 5
m amplitude, appear to be propagating northward. The west side of the shoal, which lacks
bedforms, consists of a 1-km2-area of hard rock (pavement). A 45-cm-thick turbidite layer was sampled at
a depth of 4.5 m below the seafloor in the axis of the canyon system in 250 m
of water. The base of the turbidite
consisted of coarse shell hash containing abundant fragments of Macoma brota, an intertidal dwelling
mollusk. Acoustic profiles across the
canyon at the piston core site show flank levee systems typical of active
turbidity flow channels. The geometry of
channel and levees were used to estimate a turbidity current velocity of 419 m
s-1. Extrapolation of modern
sediment accumulation rates suggest that the turbidite was deposited between
900 and 1000 yBP. Results suggest that
during the ebb tide, bottom currents travel northward through Possession Shoal
canyon, hugging its west side, and eventually spilling over the west side of
the shoal. During the flood tide,
however, bottom currents are forced to the east over the west side of the
shoal. They then travel southward down
the canyon along its east side and southeast over the east side of the shoal
towards the sediment fan.
Theodore. 2002. Geologic
evolution of the Possession Point submarine fan
circulation in the triple junction region of Puget Sound
is of interest to many different groups of people for various reasons. The local bathymetry has a large effect on
the circulation. The Possession Point
submarine fan is a feature of the local bathymetry and may play a role in
circulation. The geologic history of the
fan and how it has changed over time has the possibility to reveal insights
into its role in circulation. The
history of the fan was studied by examining the changes in mass accumulation
rates and by examining its change in shape.
Using box core samples, modern deposition rates were studied by
comparing 210Pb profiles at three locations down the fan. Using seismic profiles, ancient deposition
rates were studied by estimating the amount of sediment accumulated in the fan
and approximating how long it took to accumulate. To see if turbidites affected mass
accumulation, a piston core was taken at the foot of the fan and piston core
data from the middle of the fan were examined.
The shape of the fan was examined using 3.5 kHz profiles and by Simrad
EM300 mapping. Differences in ancient
and modern mass accumulation rates reveal that the submarine fan is growing at
a slower rate than in the past and that it may therefore be inactive.
Differences in mass accumulation rates of the fan vs. adjacent areas confirm
the concept that the fan is acting as a sill and may play a large role in the
circulation of the triple junction.
Luke. 2002. A survey of the tidal circulation patterns near a sewage outfall
site in Poverty Bay, Puget Sound, Washington
Recently, the Puyallup Tribe
processed a request to the Department of Health to classify Geoduck tract
#09950 as a suitable area for commercial harvesting in Poverty
Bay, Puget Sound, Washington. Assessment of this specific Geoduck tract
requires a knowledge of the tidal circulation patterns inside the bay. This report estimates the circulation patters
during an ebb tide and approximates current structure during a flood tide. The hydraulic model at the University of Washington
was used to predict results and guide the field research. Twelve free floating drifters estimated
surface current velocities and current velocities at 5 m depth. Results
indicate current velocities of 0.11 m s-1 and 0.08 m s-1
respectively. The ADCP data collected
documents an average southwest current over a tidal cycle. The current velocities are greater during a
flood tide and thus, the current structure is tidally dominated by the flood
tide. Geoduck tract #09950 lies on the
northeastern shore of Poverty
Bay and proves to be a
suitable location for commercial harvest.
Rene. 2001. Surface
water circulation characteristics of the Triple Junction for model comparisons
Observed temporal characteristics
made using satellite-tracked drifters provide an analysis of how accurate
models are. Parameters observed with the
use of drifters include the spatial and temporal variations of the surrounding
water. Such information, paired with observed
freshwater discharge, tidal phase, bathymetry and wind-forcing data, provides
the variables needed to derive a working model.
Factors responsible for driving the surface current were mostly due to
tidal forcing, followed by wind and bathymetry.
Areas of converging saltier water from Main Basin
and fresh Possession Sound water in the Triple Junction were shifted depending
on wind forcing. An area of continuous
fresh water was evident over the shoal as the portable CTD data showed as water
moved closer to the shoal salinity dropped.
Curry, Lauren. 2005. Dissipation of internal waves in Port Susan, Puget Sound
Internal waves have been observed in Port
Susan, Puget Sound. Their timing with tides, speed and amplitudes
were well documented in a previous study, but the reason they decay remained
unknown. On April 8th 2005 the R/V WeeLander was taken to Port Susan
with a Seacat CTD to observe the decay of the internal wave. Internal waves create regions of convergence
and divergence that are observable as surface slicks. The CTD was yo-yoed at seven stations in
these surface features. I will show
observations that demonstrate that the internal waves respond to changes in the
channel width and to decreases in the stratification of the water column as the
wave propagates out of Port Susan. At
the surface, I observed a strong foam front in Port Susan, where the foam
disintegrates after reaching the end of Camano Island
and spreads over a much larger area.
Wave amplitudes are seen to dramatically decrease in size from 9 meters
to 4 meters over the course of our observations, while the wavelengths increase
with distance. The final end of the wave
is a region of well mixed water south of Gedney Island
in Port Gardner. The loss of
stratification here is theorized to be the cause of the decay of the internal
wave, because the interface on which the wave propagates no longer exists.
Luke. 2002. An
investigation to track the effluent output from Redondo wastewater treatment
plant in Poverty Bay,
Puget Sound, WA
After receiving a request from the
Puyallup Native Tribe, it became necessary for the Washington State Department
of Health to classify geoduck tract #09950 for commercial harvest. Very near the shellfish beds lies a sewer
outfall from the Redondo Wastewater Treatment Plant. Past studies at station EAP001 nearby in East
Passage show a well mixed water column and a mean southwesterly current;
however, after closer investigation, a stratified water column was
observed. Five stations were chosen
along a transect starting southwest of the outfall and terminating northeast of
the outfall, just offshore from the shellfish beds. The plume was believed to be a warm, fresh
water lens near the surface, and the nutrient depletion was expected to occur
at the stations to the southwest of the outfall. CTD casts were done and samples were
collected for ammonium analysis during the ebb and flood tides. The temperature and salinity, combined with
model data in the lab, confirmed the southwestward flow theory. Oxygen and nutrients were ambiguous but did,
after close examination, also confirm a southwesterly current.
Falkner, James. 2005. Investigation of mixing processes at the Hood
Canal Sill
The Hood
Canal is one of four basins associated
with the Puget Sound system. It has experienced problems of low oxygen in
the past. Many biological hypotheses are
put forth to explain these problems.
This paper looked at the physical characteristics of the Hood Canal
sill to determine if it added to the problem.
It was found that circulation during a flood tide into the canal slowly
increases in velocity, near 0 mm s-1, until reaching a maximum, 200
mm s-1, just after max flood and then slowly decreases in
velocity. The maximum was found at the
bottom of the water column between 60 m and 100 m. Refluxing was found to occur at the very end
stages of the flood tide, causing perturbations in the water column properties
of salinity, temperature, density and oxygen concentrations. The water column properties ranged from
29.4-30.2 psu for salinity, 8.2-9.6 °C for potential temperature, 1022.8-1024
kg m-3 for density and 6.6-6.8 ml L-1 for oxygen. These properties advanced from values similar
to those taken inside the sill to values similar to those taken outside the
sill as the time series progressed. This
is consistent with expected behavior for an estuarine system.
Jeffrey. 2003. Internal
solitary waves in Port Susan, Puget Sound
On 30 April 2003, a group of at
least six internal solitary waves (ISWs) were observed to propagate south in
Port Susan, Puget Sound. Prior to this study, no direct measurements
of ISWs in the region were on record.
Measurements were made from CTD observations from a small boat, the R/V Weelander. From the CTD observations, the ISW amplitudes
were about 10 m. The boat stopped at
seven stations, and wave positions were recorded by GPS. The ISWs could be seen as a series of surface
slicks. The least-squares fit for the velocity was 63 ± 4 cm s-1. From this, the ISWs appear to be generated by
the interaction of the ebb tide with the Stillaguamish River
delta. The simplest nonlinear wave
theory, based on the Korteweg-de Vries equation, underestimates the ISW
amplitudes for the measured velocity. An
empirical formula is put forward in an attempt to explain the observed wave
, where c is the wave speed, N is the average buoyancy frequency in
the surface layer, h is the depth of
the surface layer, and a is the
amplitude of the wave. The waves appear
to decay near Gedney
Island by shear
instabilities in on their trailing edges.
Interestingly, the waves decay soon after the background flow switches
from moving against to moving with the waves.
This further suggests that the ISWs are sensitive to background flow.
Kurt. 2002. A study
of the salt flux through Deception
Pass, Washington
the period 22 March 17 April 2002, two tide gauges were placed in Bowman and Cornet Bays
near Deception Pass.
Tidal height differences were calculated from the tide gauges. Using the tidal height differences in a
simple model, the flow through Deception
Pass was determined. It was then possible to calculate the salt
flux through Deception
Pass. By assuming the Whidbey
Basin to be in steady state over long
time scales, it was possible to determine if salt is being entrained from the
Triple Junction into the Whidbey
Basin. A salt flux of -6.5x104 kg s-1
was found to be flowing through Deception
Pass during the study period; this
suggests that salt is entrained from the Triple Junction into the Whidbey Basin.
CTD casts were taken between the two bays on different tidal cycles to
determine the short term effects of the tidal forcing on the flow through Deception Pass.
Periods of slack water showed a normal estuarine flow; saline water
entered Deception
Pass at depth and fresh
water exited in a surface layer. During
an ebb tide, the flow fields in Deception
Pass were more
complicated; normal estuarine flow did not develop.
Higgins, Eric.
2004. Deep Water Intrusions in Hood
Canal, a basin in Puget Sound, Washington
Recent fish kills in the southern
regions of Hood Canal
due to dangerously low dissolved oxygen concentrations have prompted interest
into the existence and magnitude of deep-water intrusions over the sill of Hood Canal. Such deep intrusions may be a major mechanism
for the replenishment of deep-water oxygen in this system. CTD casts were performed both north and south
of the sill in order to locate any deep intrusion and ADCP velocity data was
collected in order to obtain an estimate of intrusion volume transport once
they were identified. An intrusion was
identified for the first CTD station just south of the sill but no intrusion
signals were found for stations further south.
The identified intrusion was determined to extend from 75-meters depth
to the bottom (~118). A volume transport
of 307.47 m3 s-1 was then determined from velocity
measurements taken at this site, yielding a flushing time of 209.64 days. Measured velocities were small since ADCP
data was collected near slack tide. A
theoretical extrapolation of tide data available for Hood Canal
yielded a shorter 151.86-day flushing time for flows averaged over the entire
tidal cycle. Both flushing times
exceeded flushing times obtained from previous studies.
McArthur. 2001. A
Lagrangian study of surface circulation in the Main
Basin of Puget
Sound using ARGOS/GPS-tracked drogues
circulation of the 10-m-thick surface layer in the Main
Basin and Admiralty Inlet, Puget Sound, Washington,
was tracked from 26 March 2001 through 2 April 2001 using satellite-tracked
drogues. The drogues were deployed just
north of Vashon Island. The drogues consisted of an electronics float
and a 10-m-long mesh sail at depth from the surface. The drogues measured currents as fast as 1.16
m/s, and a mean current velocity of 0.26 m/s.
The net paths of the floats were north through the southern Main Basin
and up and into Admiralty Inlet in an average
of five days. The results correlate with
a hypothesized narrow, seaward-directed, stream-like current. Results suggest a wider snake' is present in
Puget Sound.
The University
of Washington Puget Sound Model
was used to compare the drogue results.
The model proposed that wind was the major factor in the net northern
flow, which allows one to believe that the model's circulation is slow compared
to actual Puget Sound circulation.
Jenks, Katie. 2004. Is Dabob
Bay a closed system? Water exchange in the western channel as a
means for renewal of water in Dabob Bay, Puget
Sound, Washington
Bay is located in Hood Canal, Puget Sound, Washington,
and is a center of biological research.
Understanding the circulation of Dabob Bay
is important for both physical and biological reasons. Physically, understanding the dynamics of Dabob Bay
will allow for a greater understanding of the entire Hood Canal
system. Biologically, the studies
conducted in Dabob
Bay assume that it is a
closed systemthat is, advection is minimal and can be ignored. This study tests that hypothesis, as well as
contributes to the overall body of knowledge about and understanding of Dabob Bay. ADCP transects across the sill at the
entrance to Dabob Bay measured water velocities on five cruises in the spring
of 2004: 24-26 February 2004, 3-5 March
2004, 10-12 March 2004, 22-26 March 2004, and 7-9 April 2004. CTD casts collected potential temperature and
potential density data on two of those cruises: 3-5 March 2004 and 7-9 April
2004. Warm (10-11 ˚C), dense (23.0-23.5 kg m-3)
water was repeatedly observed at depth at the entrance sill. In the western channel of the entrance to Dabob Bay
the transport showed no significant correlation with the tides, however, an
upper bound of the transport gave an estimated residence time of 1.3
years. Considering the entire channel,
the data support previous three-layer models of Dabob Bay. The transport in this three-layer model gives
an estimated residence time of 0.88 years.
Thus, Dabob
Bay can only be
considered a closed system for processes acting on shorter time scales than the
residence time.
Jeong-In. 2003. Water
circulation in Dabob
Bay: Focus on the
exchange of flows during the diurnal tide transitions
The project concentrates on the exchange
flows across the entrance sill in Dabob
Bay, Washington. Dabob Bay is
one of the closed fjord-like basins in Puget Sound. Water circulation has received considerable
attention since it distributes the nutrients into the basin. Water velocity data were obtained by using a
ship-mounted 150 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP), and water property
data were gathered by conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) aboard R/V Clifford A. Barnes during a complete
diurnal tide on March 10th - 12th, 2003. Averaged water velocities at certain
waypoints and depths were plotted along two transects: one is along the sill or
across the channel, and the other is along the channel in the basin. Currents across the entrance over the sill
were the greater and more variable.
Kellogg, Jonathan, and Noel Gray. 2004 Seiche dynamics and energy dissipation in the Hood Canal
Hood Canal,
the westernmost arm of the Puget Sound fjord in Washington State,
was instrumented for the month of March 2004 with two tide gages on either side
of the South Point sill and two moorings at either end of the basin. The southern mooring had a conductivity,
temperature and depth (CTD) recorder while the northern mooring only recorded
temperature. The energy dissipation
across the sill was calculated from the tide gages using previously developed
equations. A total of 1.72 MW was
dissipated by the M2 tide; 0.067 MW was dissipated by the K1 tide. Potential density from the CTD at the south
mooring was used to estimate the pycnocline excursion from a historical average
density profile. Internal waves
oscillating on ~30 hour timescales are observed. These internal waves can also be seen in the
low pass filtered sea level height data from Seabeck. When also considering the hourly wind record
from Olympia,
three storm events stood out with strong southerly winds. It was also found that these wind events were
intense enough to bring water from beneath the pycnocline (10 m) to the surface
such that oxygen was injected into the deep waters of this area. This is important because these waters are
regularly hypoxic and have recently been anoxic. Bubble injection likely has great impact on
the oxygen budget and could have both positive and negative impacts on the
organisms in south Hood
Andrea. 2001. Characterization
of current behavior and circulation in the Triple Junction of Puget Sound, WA
Characterization of current
structure in the Triple Junction, an area joining the Main
Basin, Admiralty Inlet, and Possession
Sound, of Puget Sound, Washington, was completed using a
ship-mounted 150 kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) during one tidal
cycle on 5 and 6 April 2001. Tidally
averaged current velocities across the basins in the area were correlated with
previous, long-term ADCP studies at fixed locations. Cross-channel variability was seen in both
ebb and flood tides, as well as the tidal average. Seaward flow dominated the eastern sides of
the Main Basin
and Admiralty Inlet entrance at midlevel to
shallow depths, reaching up to 60 cm/s.
Landward flow dominated the western sides of the two basins at all depths,
reaching velocities of 50 cm s-1.
Currents across the Possession Sound entrance were slower and more
variable. This general flow structure
corresponds with the previous studies, but differs in the East/West velocity
components. Like the previous study,
results show evidence of a core of seaward flow, flowing into the Triple
Junction, where bathymetry influences the currents' path. Results suggest further study is needed to
resolve the ultimate path of the currents and flow on the eastern side of study
area to determine the suitability of a sewage outfall into the Triple Junction.
Eric. 2000. Flow
properties of the water column over the Hood Canal sill, Puget Sound, Washington
The physical properties of the Hood Canal
sill were examined in an attempt to further our understanding of water
properties over a sill, and extend these results to the physical properties of
the entire estuary. A high salinity, low
temperature water mass was observed at depth during the flood tide and a
fresher, warmer water mass was observed at the surface during an ebb tide. A mean flux of dense water was also seen over
the entire study period. And, although
they are arguably suspect, Richardson
numbers indicated immense mixing over the sill.
The movement of distinct density water masses suggested a dense water
intrusion over the sill, while also indicating the occurrence of a two-layer
exchange flow. The mean landward flux of
dense water was also an indication of two-layer exchange flow. Water velocity profiles were obtained by RD
Instruments ADCP along a single track above the sill. A Seabird CTD was used concurrently in tow-yo
mode to examine the density, temperature, and salinity structure from the
higher high water to the lower high water of a spring, semi-diurnal tide.
Maynor, Shannon. 2004. The near-bottom current regime and the role of
the benthic nepheloid layer in transport and accumulation of particulate matter
in Puget Sound, Washington
Historical data reveal the presence of an
approximately 70-m-thick, turbid benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) in the
near-bottom waters of Puget Sound, a fjord in western Washington.
The BNL is likely formed during neap tides when intrusions of dense,
salty Pacific Ocean waters are able to move southward into Puget
Sound. Where headlands
constrict water moving through the Sound, the estuary floor is characterized by
pairs of depressions separated by a shallower axial ridge. The origin of this W-shape has never been
investigated. Constriction of the
channel tends accelerate tidal flow, resulting in faster flood currents on the
western side of the basin, and faster ebb currents on the eastern side. The anticipated relationship between tidal
currents, development of the BNL, and the W-shaped bottom morphology was investigated
using an array of measurements over a transect from Richmond
Beach to Jefferson Head in central Puget Sound. Twice
in March 2004, an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measured tidal
currents across the channel, revealing speeds of 50 to 70 cm s-1 in
the western depression. A 20 % decrease in light transmission corresponded
to a 0.5 kg m-3 increase in water density as measured by the
conductivity, temperature, and depth profiler (CTD). Sediment grain sizes on the rise were 3 mm
finer on average than in the depressions, and accumulation rates were about 3
times greater on the rise. These results
imply that tidal currents are primarily responsible for the W-shaped
morphology, and that periodic transport by the BNL has a significant impact on
particulate transport in Puget Sound.
Kari. 2000. Tidal
current structure around Point Edwards in Puget
Sound, Washington
Field measurements of tidal flow in the
triple junction of Puget Sound,
Washington, were taken during a
6.5-hour-long maximum ebb tide on 7 April 2000 aboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson using an RD Instruments ADCP. The objective of this research was to
determine if a flow separation occurred north of Point Wells, and then to
identify any evidence of eddy formation in this region during an ebb tide. Vertical velocity profiles suggested the
possibility of eddy formation just north of Point Edwards; however, the
measurement array did not provide enough spatial and temporal coverage to be
conclusive. The flow patterns observed in this study demonstrated that the
currents in the Main
Basin are primarily
controlled by local bathymetry.
Matt. 2002. Passive
acoustic observations of geophysical phenomena in the Puget
Sound estuary
In situ measurements of geophysical,
anthropogenic, and biological phenomena occurring below and at the
ocean-atmosphere interface are needed for meteorological, oceanographic,
climatological, and ecological studies.
In this research, passive acoustic and ground truth observations of
rain, wind, and vessel traffic were made and synthesized for comparison of
Acoustic Rain Gauge (ARG) measurements to surface measurements. The cumulative probability distribution of
sound levels was calculated to determine the temporal variability of spectral
levels within Puget Sound. Low frequency sound levels determined by the
probability distribution function for Puget Sound were compared to observations
from 1994-2000 on the continental slope off Point Sur, CA. Variability within Puget
Sound is ~1.6 times greater than that of Point Sur and for the
median spectrum higher by 4 and 6.5 [dB re 1 mPa2 Hz-1]
at 300 and 500 Hz respectively and 2 [dB re 1 mPa2 Hz-1]
lower at 100 Hz. Ship presence was
identified acoustically on time scales of hours but a global algorithm to
quantify the total number of shipping events was not determined. Consequently, the presence of ship traffic
contaminated acoustic wind speed measurements.
Acoustic trends in wind speed are in agreement with ground truth
observations but an average of 5 m s-1 greater than measured on
land. Rainfall accumulation determined
by ARG is very similar to land based tipping rain gauge measurements.