PHYS 322, Winter 2005
Electromagnetism II - Magnetism

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Homework and recitations set 4 - homework due Friday April 21

Regular questions

G 5.35 - Dipole moment of rotating charge disk
G 5.56 - Gyromagnetic ratio
G 5.61 - Field due to rotating charged glass rod
G 6.3 - Attractive force between two magnetic dipoles
G 6.9 - Field due to short circular magnetized cylinder
G 6.12 - Find B and H for infinite cylinder with radially varying magnetization

Bonus questions

B4.1 G 5.55 - Dipole in uniform magnetic field - no field lines pass through spherical surface
B4.2 G 5.43 - explore the consequences of magnetic monopoles

Examples class problems

G 5.37 - Dipole field of square current loop
G 6.1 - Torque between two current loops
G 6.8 - Magnetic field of nonuniformly magnetized cylinder

Last modified: 4/16/2006 5:29 PM