Teaching Videos

At the conclusion of the POVE course students create Teaching Videos to help others learn selected skills. Below is a sample of these videos running in length from 12 minutes to 52 minutes. Most videos are less than 20 minutes. All videos use the Common(OK) and Better model in which a visit between a physician and a patient is demonstrated twice. The first version demonstrates Common skill practice and the second, Better interaction, adds desired skills. The Common version is not meant to be really poor (except for the Patient Dissatisfaction parody) and the Better version is not meant to be perfect. Some videos have more than two versions to compare.

The most common use of these videos is to trigger group discussion. The teacher shows the first video and asks the group to critique the physician’s communication skills. Then the Better version is shown and time is protected for follow-up discussion. This design can lead into in-depth curricular discussions, presentations, and the design of observation and feedback experiences. Trainees can use the Patient Centered Observation Form (PCOF) to track skill use.

Remember, fourth year medical students made these videos after three weeks of intensively studying communication between physicians and patients.

IU: Community Residency Patient Dissatisfaction
Penn State: Motivational Interviewing
UCONN: General Skills OK and Better
UCSD: Patient Perspective and Interviewing a Couple
UM: Adolescent with Diabetes
UW: Patient Centered Care using the EHR
Wake Forrest: Chronic Pain