Quartermaster Harbor

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This graph shows that the temperature of Quartermaster Harbor changes as the water becomes deeper. At station 1 the water is much warmer throughout its water column because it is much shallower, where as at station 5 shows much more immediate change from surface to depth. As the stations progress it becomes much deeper allowing the water to stay cooler at depth. Station 1 is also much more protected than the other stations keeping it from mixing and allowing it to stay a more constant temperature.


Salinity inside Quartermaster Harbor shows basically no change where as once outside QMH there is a very evident change in the amount of salinity. At the surface of station 5 the salinity is very low because of the inflow of the less dense fresh water rests on top of the more dense salt water of Commencement Bay. Salinity inside the harbor is constant because there is not much inflow of fresh water; therefore there is not much difference.


Since density and salinity are directly related to each other, because density is dependant upon the amount salinity present, this graph is much like the salinity graph.


There was quite a lot of life present at Inner Quartermaster Harbor demonstrated by the amount of dissolved oxygen present at the location. As one moves out towards the mouth the amount of phytoplankton decreases causing a drop in the amount of dissolved oxygen present.


Since oxygen production is directly related to the amount of phytoplankton present, the more phytoplankton the more oxygen being produced. As evidenced by the graph displaying the amount of chlorophyll present it is obvious that there is a larger amount nearer station 1 and there is much less as the mouth opens; confirming the oxygen data.

Light Transmission

Since there is much more plankton present at station 1 the water is much murkier, not allowing light to penetrate as easily. As one moves through the harbor there is less that clouds the water in turn allowing more light to penetrate.

Secchi Disk

The information gathered here shows that due the murkiness of the water very shallow readings were gathered in at station 1 and much deeper readings were gathered further out, increasing out up to station 5 where the water was much clearer.

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Website created by Jonathan Neville and Joshua Womack on June 2006