ESRM 458
of Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive Species
When: Winter 2010, 5 Credits
Where: Lecture: T and Th 9:30-11:20,
Discussion Sections: Th 1:30-3:20,
Instructor: John Marzluff, 123E
E-mail Listserve:
Purpose: The purpose of this course is to take an in depth look
at the problem of species endangerment and investigate modern solutions to the
problem. We will cover the political and biological aspects of endangerment and
contrast proactive and reactive means to maintain and restore species. An
important aspect of the class will stress involvement in the conservation
process as students work as teams to develop and present research or management
plans for endangered species.
Prerequisites: Seniors in Forest Resources, Biology, Botany,
Zoology, graduate standing, or permission of instructor required. ESC 350 and
BIOL 476 recommended.
Objectives: There are 5 objectives: 1) to probe the biological
underpinning and political reality of endangered species management; 2) to
provide discussion of current endangered species issues; 3) to contribute to
management of endangered species by participating in conservation efforts; 4)
to improve your writing, synthesis, and oral presentation skills; 5) to
introduce you to local, regional, and national endangered species managers with
a variety of experiences and views.
Texts: The Stanford Environmental Law Society. 2001. The
Endangered Species Act.
Goble, D.D.
et al. 2006. The Endangered Species Act
at Thirty, Vol. 1. Island Press.
Lectures: Lecture outlines, podcasts, and references will be
available on our website. You are encouraged to get these before class and
embellish them during lecture. Lectures are designed to probe important
concepts, not cover all material in the chapters or readings. I will illustrate
ideas in lecture with examples and bring current conservation issues to your
and ideas presented during lecture and lab meetings. Lectures will be adapted
to class needs, rather than being constrained to cover all assigned material.
Significant developments, not fully covered on available outlines, are likely
during lecture and lab meetings. Therefore, your participation in class and lab
may affect your grade.
Grading: Your grade will be determined by your test scores and lab projects.
There will be one midterm exam and a final. Exams will concentrate on recent
material, but ALL WILL BE COMPREHENSIVE. They will be takehome
format and include a variety of participatory, short answer and essay questions
as well as data interpretation. Class members will work in teams to develop a
written project of relevance to
Midterm 1 100 pts. This will be a
takehome exam..
Final 200 pts. This will be a takehome
Class Discussions 100 pts.
-class project 300 pts.
-oral presentations 100pts.
TOTAL 800 pts.
Final grades are assigned according to the
following scale:
A = 3.5 – 4.0
B = 2.5 – 3.4
C = 1.5 – 2.4 70-79%
D = 0.7 – 1.4 60-69%
F = 0 <60%
Final Exam:
THE EXAM IS DUE BY Wednesday March 17, 10:30-12:20 A hard copy must be
in my mailbox beside
Contingencies: Excused absences and prior notification required are
to receive make-up exams or delay assignments. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to let
me know you will be unable to take an exam or turn in an assignment. Make-up
exams may be written or oral, at the instructor’s discretion. Assignments turned
in late for unexcused reasons will be accepted, but discounted 15% for every
week they are late.
Syllabus of Lecture Topics
Date |
Lecture Topic |
Text |
Articles to Read |
Topics and Lecture Files |
1/5 |
Introduction; Appendix |
Proposal for Class Discussion Rarity,
Endangerment and Extinction: Patterns and Causes----forms, vortices, and
quartets |
1/7 |
1, 6 |
Continue with Rarity, Endangerment and Exinction |
1/12 |
Response to Endangerment: What is an Endangered Species? |
1/14 |
2 |
1/19 |
3 |
et al. 2005; Clark et
al. 2006 |
Assessment and Revision of the ESA; |
1/21 |
More Assessment
and Revision |
1/26 |
Update on
New Congressional Action on ESA |
1/28 |
4, 5 |
Habitat and its Conservation |
2/2 |
Discussion with George Wilhere on HCPs |
2/4 |
2/9 |
7 |
Lecture—Kara Whittaker and Karl Forsgaard, First |
2/11 |
Takehome exam, no class, due in my mailbox by 5pm |
2009 MIDTERM |
2/16 |
Continue Demography and Rarity |
2/18 |
2/23 |
| |
Guest Lecture—Donna Darm,
NOAA Fisheries |
2/25 |
Continue Genetics
and Rarity |
3/2 |
3/4 |
and Translocation |
3/9 |
3/11 |
for Project Sessions
Week |
Topic |
Reading |
Special Notes |
1 (1/7) |
Project Scoping |
This years projects are: 1. Sensitive species management on
the prairie: ferruginous hawks and prairie dogs in 2. Listing petition for the Sierra Nevada Red Fox 3. Ordination analysis of coarse and fine-level vegetation data in and around golden paintbrush plants. Washington Parks would like analysis done to both data sets to help us identify how to best select augmentation sites. 4. Introduced fish and amphibian literature review for National Park Service. 5. Habitat modeling for marbled murrelets for US Forest Service |
2 (1/14) |
Listing Wolverine
listing |
Bloedel Computer Lab—Room 261 |
3 (1/21) |
Continue PVA or Work with Project Sponsors |
Bloedel Computer Lab—Room 261 and Anderson 306 |
4 (1/28) |
Work on Projects |
5 (2/4) |
Work on Projects |
6 (2/11) |
Work on Projects |
7 (2/18) |
First Presentation |
Teams Present |
8 (2/25) |
Work on Projects |
9 (3/4) |
Work on Projects |
10 (3/11) |
Continue Final Presentation of Projects (from morning class section) |
Student Teams
Present |