The Gradiator

Here's a way of getting an approximate current grade: enter your minitest scores and your midterm score in the boxes below, then click on the appropriate button. The Gradiator will give your scores due consideration and then assign your current grade. Be warned, the grade you get here is only an approximation, a blurry snapshot of your current status.

Fine print: This page may or may not work in your browser.

Step 1. Enter your scores (the lowest minitest score will be dropped automatically).

Minitest #1 (Oct 6):
Midterm #1 (Oct 20):
Minitest #2 (Nov 3):
Midterm #2 (Nov 17):
Minitest #3 (Dec 1):


Step 2. Click on the button below to get an estimate of your current grade.

Your current grade:

A passing grade according to the University is 0.7, but your major may have other requirements.

The wise Gradiator says: One more exam to go... stay calm, work methodically, and READ the questions!