Open up your favorite terminal emulator, such as Hyperterm (or TeraTerm Pro).
** baud rate = 38400 ** databits=8 ** parity = none ** stopbit=1 ** flow control = none
Connect a serial cable between the target (i.e. Olimex LPC-2378-STK’s RS232_0 connector) and the host (i.e. ARM-USB-OCD USB serial port, another USB serial port, or a legacy serial port).
Either program the flash and reset the target with the JTAG cable removed from the LPC-2378-STK, or initiate and run a debugging session in Eclipse
If successful, from the terminal window you should observe something similar to:
Before unplugging the ARM-USB-OCD, make sure to terminate
TeraTermPro. Otherwise it will be using a non-existing serial port. Symptoms include consuming 100% cpu time. Terminating TeraTermPro should remedy the issue.