Serial Terminal Emulator

Setting up TeraTermPro Serial Terminal Emulator

  1. Install TeraTermPro2.34.msi from the packages folder, taking the defaults
  2. Copy TERATERM.INI from the packages folder to C:Program FilesUWICKTTermPro. This file has an entry that configures the maximum COM port number to 20 instead of 4.
  3. Create a shortcut of C:Program FilesUWICKTTermProttermpro.exe onto the desktop (or wherever you prefer).
  4. Obtain the COM port number for the Olimex USB serial port from Device Manager.
  5. Right-click on the ttermpro shortcut and click Properties.
  6. Append the executable arguments to the Target: entry. For example if the USB serial port is assigned to COM5: “C:Program FilesUWICKTTermProttermpro.exe” /c=5

Running a Serial Terminal Emulator

  1. Open up your favorite terminal emulator, such as Hyperterm (or TeraTerm Pro).

  2. Select the right Serial COM port for your host machine,

    ** baud rate = 38400 ** databits=8 ** parity = none ** stopbit=1 ** flow control = none

  3. Connect a serial cable between the target (i.e. Olimex LPC-2378-STK’s RS232_0 connector) and the host (i.e. ARM-USB-OCD USB serial port, another USB serial port, or a legacy serial port).

  4. Either program the flash and reset the target with the JTAG cable removed from the LPC-2378-STK, or initiate and run a debugging session in Eclipse

  5. If successful, from the terminal window you should observe something similar to:

  6. Before unplugging the ARM-USB-OCD, make sure to terminate

TeraTermPro. Otherwise it will be using a non-existing serial port. Symptoms include consuming 100% cpu time. Terminating TeraTermPro should remedy the issue.

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