Flash Magic provides a flash downloader onto the LPC2378 flash memory via serial. It is an alternate method if downloading over JTAG fails. For example, if buggy initialization code is programmed into the LPC’s Flash, this may be the only method that will erase the flash. For this to work:
Determine the COM port assigned to the Olimex OpenOCD by Windows.
Connect the serial cable up to the LPC-2378-STK RS232_0 connector and ARM_USB_OCD serial port.
Verify the LPC-2378-STK is powered down (for example unplug the USB connector that powers it)
Verify the jumpers near to the serial connector are linked (marked ISP_E and RST_E).
Verify the JTAG cable is removed from the LPC-2378-STK’s JTAG connector.
Power up the LPC-2378-STK.
In the Flash Magic windows make sure the following is set:
- COM Port: Use the COM port assigned to the Olimex OpenOCD (shown in Windows Device Manager)
- Baud Rate: 9600 (can use higher but start with slower)
- Device: LPC2378
- Interface: None (ISP) Oscillator (MHz): 12 Check Erase all Flash+Code
- Rd Prot Hex File: Browse for the hex file generated in your project.
Verify there is a connection by selecting from menu ISP | Read Device Signature... You should see: Note: this shows FlashMagic was able to read the LPC2378 Device signature.
Select Close on the Device Signature dialog box.