XNA Game-Themed CS1 Examples (XGC1)

Release 3.0 (XNA V4)

Tutorial 1: Basic Application Structure

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Reference: This is the first tutorial on how to work with the XNACS1Lib library. It is assumed you have some working knowledge of C# (or Java, or C++) and understand the concepts of "objects" in an object-oriented language.

Goals : The following are the important points to note from this tutorial:

you should be able to follow the first two tutorials and begin programming simple game-like applications with the library. 

1. Obtain the example code

Download and unzip the zip file and you will see an ExampleProgram folder. Open the ExampleProgram folder, the EXE folder contains the compiled program and you can double click on the .sln file to work with the source code.
If you double click and run the executable program, you will observe:

2. The Source Code Files/Structure

Take a look at the ExampleProgram folder that you have unzipped and you will see:

  1. XNACS1Lib_Start.sln : You can open the XNA project by double clicking on this file.
  2. XNACS1Lib_Start folder: this is the folder that contains all the source code and necessary supports to the project. The content of this folder looks like:
Folders/Files Purposes
XNACS1Lib_Start.csproj GSE project description file. We will not need to edit or change this file.
Game1.cs This is is the file that contains the source code to our project. This document will only refer to the source code in from this file.
Program.cs A dummy container. We do not need to be concerned with the content of this file.
Image of the top-left corner of the title bar of the application window and when the application window is iconized.
SupportFiles /XNACS1Lib_PC.dll
SupportFiles /XNACS1Lib_XBOX.dll
The DLL library file that contains the XNACS1Lib classes and utilities.
Properties /AssemblyInfo.cs Contains miscellaneous information on the application. We will not work with this file.
Content /Content.contentproj GSE content project description file. We will not work with this file.
Content/Resources/Fonts/ Arial.spritefont The font used by our applicaiton. This folder and the font file must exist for all of the XNACS1Lib projects.

3. The Solution Explorer:

Now double click on the *.sln file in the ExampleProgram folder, to start the project in the IDE. Notice the structure of the SolutionExplorer follows the source code folder structure we have examined ealier:
Notice that:

4. Examine Game1.cs:

Now double click on the Game1.cs file in the SolutionExplorer , and you will see this structure:

#region Reference to system libraries

  // Label A: Reference to XNACS1Lib
using XNACS1Lib;

namespace XNACS1Lib_Start {
    /// Label B: Subclass from XNACS1Base
    public class Game1 : XNACS1Base {

        // Label C: InitializeWorld() function
        protected override void  InitializeWorld() ...

        // Label D: UpdateWorld() function
        protected override void UpdateWorld() ... 


5. The InitializeWorld() function:

If we examine the InitializeWorld() function, this is what we will observe:

       // Label C: InitializeWorld() function
        protected override void  InitializeWorld()  {

            // 1. Set the coordinate system to work with
            World.SetWorldCoordinate(new Vector2(-1.0f, -1.0f), 15.0f);                

            // 2. Set the background color

            // 3. Create 3 circles
            pos = ( World.WorldMax + World.WorldMin) / 2.0f;
            XNACS1Circle center = new XNACS1Circle(pos, 1.0f);
            pos = new Vector2 (0, 0);
            XNACS1Circle LowerLeft = new XNACS1Circle(pos, 1.0f);
            pos = World. WorldMax;
            XNACS1Circle UpperRight = new XNACS1Circle(pos, 1.0f);

Three tasks are accomplished:
  1. SetWorldCoordinate() : defines the coordinate position for the lower-left corner and the width of the application window. As illustrated in the following figure, in this case, we define the lower-left corner to coordinate location (-1, -1) , and the width of the application window to be 15 units wide.
    Notice three important points
    • Pixel-independent coordinate system : Notice that as programmers, we will operate with in the coordinate system we defined and we do not have to be concerned with the underlying pixel-resolution of the application window. For example, in this case, independent form the pixel-resolution of the application window, we can simply work in an area where the lower-loft corner is (-1,-1) with a width of 15.
    • Fixed aspect ratio : To properly support HDTV (for running on the XBOX 360 gaming console), the aspect ratio of the application window is always 16:9. This means we do not have the option of defining the height of our coordinate system. In the given example, as illustrated in the above figure, we defined the width of the application window to be 15 units, and because of 16:9 aspect ratio, the height will be 8.4375 units.
    • Fixed application window size : For sake of simplicity, the application window's dimension is defined with respect to the PC's screen: our application window always occupies 95% of the entire PC's screen width.
  2. SetBackgroundColor() : Sets background color for the application. In this case, the background color is set to light blue.
  3. Define circles : Here we define three circles with the XNACS1Circle XNACS1Circle utility class. We will learn about this circle class in much more details in the next tutorial. For now, we just need to know that the the XNACS1Circle constructor expects the center position and radius of the circle. Notice that:
    • WorldMax and WorldMin properties returning the lower-left and upper-right coordinate positions. In this case, notice the center position of the first circle is defined as, pos:

              pos = (World.WorldMax + World.WorldMin) / 2.0f;
               XNACS1Circle center = new XNACS1Circle(pos, 1.0f);

      in this way, the first circle being defined is located at the x- and y-middle of the application window and has a radius of 1.0f. Recall that the coordinate system we define has a width of 15 unites. Notice that the radius of the circle occupies 1/15 of the width of the application window.

    • The second circle being defined:

              pos = new Vector2(0, 0);
              XNACS1Circle LowerLeft = new XNACS1Circle(pos, 1.0f);

      is centered at (0,0) position with radius of 1.0f. Given that the coordinate system we  defined has lower-left corner of (-1, -1), we know the circumference of this second circle will touch the lower and left boundaries of the application window. The second circle created is the one located at the lower left corner.

    • The third circle being defined: 

              pos = World. WorldMax;
              XNACS1Circle UpperRight = new XNACS1Circle(pos, 1.0f);

      is centered at WorldMax , or top-left corner of the application window with radius of 1.0f. This is the top-left quarter-circle where the center is the top-left corner with three-quarter of this circle outside of the application window.

6. The UpdateWorld() function:

If we examine the InitializeWorld() function, this is what we will observe:

        // Label D: UpdateWorld() function
        protected override void UpdateWorld()  {
             if (GamePad.ButtonBackClicked())

            EchoToTopStatus("Top Status: " + World.WorldMax);
            EchoToBottomStatus("Bottom Status: " + World.WorldMin);

Notice that:
Project home page: The Game-Themed Introductory Programming Project.
Kelvin Sung
Computing and Software Systems
University of Washington, Bothell
Michael Panitz
Business And Information Technology
Cascadia Community College

Microsoft Logo This work is supported in part by a grant from Microsoft Research under the Computer Gaming Curriculum in Computer Science RFP, Award Number 15871 and 16531.