XNA Game-Themed CS1 Examples (XGC1)

Release 3.0 (XNA V4)

XNACS1Lib: Tutorial Guide

Overview: The XNACS1Lib library supports the implementation of 2D simple interactive applications. This library is designed specifically for computer science students and faculty with no background in computer graphics or video games. This guide consists of a collection of tutorials demonstrating the basics of how to work with the XNACS1Lib.

How to begin working with XNACS1Lib: Assuming you know C# (or Java, or C++), we believe the easiest way to begin working with XNACS1Lib is:

  1. Follow the first two tutorials to understand the basics of how to use this library.
  2. Design/implement your own simple 2D interactive graphics application with simple colliding graphics objects.
  3. Read and follow the subsequent tutorials on the more involved topics (working with Audio and showing/hiding groups of primitives ).
  4. After you have some experience working with the library, you may want to refer to the complete library documentation: html-page or compiled html help file .

Keyboard mapping : If you do not have a XBOX 360 gamepad controller connected, you can use the keyboard, of the input devices on the phone. Here is how the gamepad controller is mapped.

The Tutorials:

References and Credits:

Project home page: The Game-Themed Introductory Programming Project.
Kelvin Sung
Computing and Software Systems
University of Washington, Bothell
Michael Panitz
Business And Information Technology
Cascadia Community College

Microsoft Logo This work is supported in part by a grant from Microsoft Research under the Computer Gaming Curriculum in Computer Science RFP, Award Number 15871 and 16531.