XNACS1Lib: CSS490 Spring 2011

This is the base class for your program. To work with the XNACS1Lib, your main class must subclass from this class.

The XNACS1Base..::..World type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member ClampAtWorldBound
Ensures that the inputPrimitive is kept within bounds of the world. If inputPrimitive position is outside of the world bound, This function will determine the distances to the closes bound and force the inputPrimitive to be insde that world bound.
Public method Static member CollideWorldBound
Collide the inputPrimitive with the worldBound and return which of the worldBound (left/right/top/bottom or inside) did this primitive intersect with.
Public method Static member OutsideWorldBound
Returns true if the inputPrimitive is outside of the worldBound.
Public method Static member RemoveAllFromDrawSet
Remove all Primitives from the default draw set. After this funciton, you will observe a blank screen.
Public method Static member SetBackgroundColor
Sets the background color.
Public method Static member SetBackgroundTexture
Set the background texture. The texture image will cover the entire background such that the background color will not be visible.
Public method Static member SetWorldCoordinate
Defines the world coordinate system to draw in.


  Name Description
Public property Static member Paused
Pausing the World Update (ShouldTravel primitive will stop moving).
Public property Static member TicksInASecond
Gets or sets the number of ticks/frames in one second.
Public property Static member WorldDimension
Get the dimension (width/height) of the world.
Public property Static member WorldMax
Get the coordinate position that corresponds to the upper-right corner of the world.
Public property Static member WorldMin
Get the coodinate position that corresponds to the lower-left corner of the world.

See Also