Planning the Project

The planning process can be broken down into three different phases: gathering information, design activity, and design results. These three phases are briefly summarized below.

Gathering Information

This section discusses the data collection process and resource assessment. This includes where the data was found and how it was used. Some of the resources used are area coverages, digital orthophotos, the Watershed Analysis for the Washougal Planning Area (winter 1998), Timber Market reports and equipment lists. Each of the sections discussed in this phase will be used in the next planning phases.

Design Activities

This section discusses analyzing the data and the designing process. Road and setting design and growth modeling are the main sections of this step on the planning phase. The design activity phase correlates the data phase and the results phase. This step is where the data is used and analyzed to produce the outcome of the project.

Design Results

This section discusses the outcome and final recommendations of the project. All of the results of the previous phase are analyzed here, and then decisions are made based on the outcome of the analysis. The decision making process comes together in this part of the report. The final road and setting design along with silviculture recommendations and harvest scheduling are found in this phase.

Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Report Outline