Winter |
Fish 521 - Grant Proposal Writing for Graduate Students |
Panels and Message BoardsPanels are groups working together at their proposal during the course of the quarter. Panels will be set up after the first class and will correspond to areas of interest. Students have only access to proposals of their own panel. Each GoPost Area has 6 different discussion areas, corresponding to the part of the proposal to be submitted in each week - please submit to the correct area. You can access message board and discussion areas from the Restricted link to the left. If there are any problems, please check the GoPost Help Center, or send me an e-mail. Proposal SubmissionFind your name in the list on the panel page, and submit your work to the respective panel. 'Panel' provides a link to the respective GoPost area which allows submission of proposal parts and respective reviews. Please use a standard naming convention, i.e. LastnamePart (e.g. HauserSummary.doc). Proposal Comments and RevisionsEach student will download the proposals of ALL other panel members and comment. When commenting, please use Word track-changes facility, but concentrate on the content. Please provide any general comments at the end of the respective Word file, not in the message to the board. Save the file with your initials (e.g. HauserSummary LH.doc) and post as a reply to the original posting. Final Proposal Submission, Peer Reviews and Panel RecommendationFinal proposals will be submitted to a new discussion area that is accessible to the reviewing panel too. Submit your final proposal (everything you wrote: title page, one-page summary, project description, budget and budget justification, full reference list in a single file). The members of the reviewing panel will provide a written peer review of each proposal. Please post proposals as a conversations, and peer reviews as a reply. Do not use the Word track-changes facility to provide a review, but consider the review criteria and write about two pages review of each proposal. Note that these reviews are not anonymous and will be read by PIs - be critical but nice. The decision panel should download all proposals and their peer reviews and read them completely before class on March 7. Decide on a chairperson for the panel, who will be responsible for organizing the proceedings and chairing the panel. In class, each panel member should present one proposal to the other panel members, with particular consideration of the review criteria. Decision panels should add up the budget requested by all proposals - 60% of that sum is available to the panel. Decide based on merit criteria, which proposals should be funded, partially funded, or not funded - use the rating form to do that. The presenter of the proposal should provide a one to two paragraph summary of the panel discussion and a justification of the panel decision, which should be posted as a reply to the respective proposal. If you decide to partially fund a proposal, be specific which parts are to be funded and which not, and make sure that the project can still feasibly be carried out.