University of Washington
First Year Japanese (JAPAN111-113)

Quizzes and Tests Information
Japan 112: Winter 2000

Week Index: Go to

Week 1 Back to Week Index Back To Homepage
Weekly Quiz #1: 1/7 (Fri)
Vocab Quiz #1: 1/10 (Mon)
Week 2 Back to Week Index Back To Homepage
Vocab Quiz #2: 1/12 (Wed)
Weekly Quiz #2: 1/14 (Fri)
Week 3 Back to Week Index Back To Homepage

Week 4 Back to Week Index
Weekly Quiz #3: 1/24 (Mon)
Vocab Quiz #3: 1/27 (Thu)
Week 5 Back to Week Index Back To Homepage
Weekly Quiz #4: 1/31 (Mon)
Vocab Quiz #4: 2/2 (Wed)
Week 6 Back to Week Index Back To Homepage
Midterm Exam: 2/8 (Tue) 10:30-11:20 @ Smith 120 (lecture hall)
Oral Test 1: 2/9 (Wed) @ regular classroom unless otherwise announced
You will be asked to do the following two role plays (both of them!) with your partner. Find a partner and practice conversation with your partner.
  1. Suppose it's right after the winter break. You two run into each other at a cafeteria. Ask each other about the break.
  2. A: You need a roommate. Your partner will call and ask about your schedule, your likes/dislikes, etc... Be prepared to answer his/her questions. Make sure you ask about him/her as well!

    B: You are looking for a roommate. Call your partner and ask questions about him/her, his/her daily activties, what she/he likes to do, etc., to see if you are compatible.

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Last updated: 3/30/2000 9:56 PM