About this Site

     My name is Bo Davidson, I am currently a cell and molecular biology major at the University of Washington where I will be a senior this coming fall(03)  I  created this site as a project for an English class that focuses on literature from the Harlem Renaissance and other key aspects of it as well.

     This site contains a few pages offering literary analysis of a chapter of Nora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God.  Both the Critical analysis as well the the Annotated passage come from chapter nine of book.  The critical analysis focuses on the prominence of a theme of "self-discovery" in chapter nine which is a very important theme thorught the book.  The annotated passage contains a selected passage from chapter nine that has links in the text to short analysis of the meanings of  specific parts of the passage.  The credits and links page is an annotated bibliography and gives links to various other sites pertaining to Their Eyes Were Watching God and well as gives links to where I obtrained the graphics on this site


Critical Analysis

Annotated Passage

Credits and Links

About this site

Last Updated:  7/23/03

Contact Administrator -- University of Washington