Marine Ecology  
Bivalves and Chitons




Mytilus spp

Siliqua patula

Cryptochiton stelleri

Species List


Student pages



Welcome to Pacific bivalves and chitons. This is a class web page for the Spring 2008 Marine Ecology field course at the University of Washington, Tacoma created by Elishia Stefanowski.  The bivalve and chiton species encountered during this course and the habitats of the molluscs are explored on this page. Additionally, information on mollusc life history, in particular bivalves and chitons, are discussed. The pictures on this page were all taken by Elishia Stefanowski.


Basic Taxonomy MolluscaSaxidomus gigantea


Domain Eukaryota1

            Kingdom Animaila1

                        Phylum Mollusca1

                                    Class Bivalvia1

                                    Class Polyplacophora1


Mollusca Characteristics


There are several distinguishing features to the phylum Mollusca including:

  • Bilateral symmetric2
  • Have a true coelom2
  • Not segmented2
  • Have a complete digestive tract2
  • Mantle, a tissue secretes the shell3
  • Foot used for locomotion3
  • Radula, a strip of chitin teeth3
This web page is part of the UWT Marine Ecology course project