In today’s monetary world, economic troubles are due to a number of political, ecological and cultural factors, where one may seemingly blame one more than the other. The international food system and political hierarchies from leader to pawn are certainly both economically intertwined on a worldwide scale. Coming from a global background, I have been able to see the effects of… Read more »
The Hungry Planet paper helped me to look closer at different countries and how they eat. It helped to show me how much different eating habits are across cultures, while also showing how similar others are. Families in Australia eat similar foods to the United States, where countries who do little importing eat very basic, raw type foods. It made… Read more »
Taking a look at Peter Menzel’s online Hungry Planet gallery , a photographic essay on the dietary habits of families all around the world… Making a side-by-side comparison of the food cultures of the two contrasting countries, Germany (an affluent one) & Chad (a developing one), stirs up a plethora of heavy economic, political, and social subject matter and disparities simply… Read more »
A major reason for the difference in the American diet, and the rural Chinese diet is the great disparity in wealth. The wealthier a nation is, the more complex their food supply chains become, capitalism forces the drive for cheap food. This is happens for a few reasons. First, the migration of developing nation’s population from rural areas to cities,… Read more »
We seldom think about where our food comes from. We enjoy chocolate because of its sweetness, its rich flavor, and its overall appeal as our guilty pleasure. What we fail to realize is the hard work that goes into the chocolate-making process. This makes me reflect on how we abuse animals for our personal consumption. In this story; however, the… Read more »
Just grapes and sunshine–that’s all that Sunmaid Raisins claim go into their humble boxes of dried fruit. This declaration comes at the end of their advertisement, after insinuating that eating raisins will also make you a celebrity, just like all the fit and healthy Hollywood locals. This is called lifestyle advertising, a more recent trend in marketing. Rather than make… Read more »
Unlike other assignments where I had to focus and concentrate, the contemplative practices were about taking a step back to see where I stand from the world. If I must pick one among all, the third lesson with the video clip of Ivory Coast Cocoa Farmers was the most memorable contemplative practice for me. Chocolate is one of the most… Read more »
Have you ever experienced hunger? Of course you have. But have you ever experienced the kind of chronic hunger where you can’t physically move because you have no energy? Where you can’t go to school or your job? Where you are so terrified because you know you are a few short days away from death? Malnutrition and hunger affect about… Read more »
What would it be like if you never ate another piece of chocolate? Would your life be any less meaningful? Would you still be able to find happiness? Or would you not be able to continue living if you couldn’t stop at the convenience store to pick up your favorite chocolate snack while filling your car with gas? I don’t… Read more »
The concept of being “hungry” is an interesting topic to evaluate. Think about the millions of people around the world who go hungry for extended periods of time. They may not know where or when their next meal may be. They may suffer from malnutrition, leading to various health problems. An estimated 795 million people around the world suffer from… Read more »