International Trade

Hungry Planet

Water is a constant preoccupation in the Breidjing Refugee Camp. Every day, lines of women and children carry jugs and pots of drinking and cooking water from distribution points to their tents. To get extra water to wash clothes, families dig pits- in nearby wadis (seasonal river beds), creating shallow pools from which they scoop out water. In November, the camp wadi had water three feet below the surface. As the dry season advances, the sand pits get deeper and deeper. Hungry Planet: What the World Eats (p. 67). /// This image is featured alongside the Aboubakar family images in Hungry Planet: What the World Eats. (Please refer to Hungry Planet book p. 56-57 for a family portrait.)


The modern world is divided economically into the global north and global south, or simply put, developed and developing nations. Due to the economic inequalities between developed and developing countries, there are vast disparities in the daily lives of the citizens of France for example, and those who call Chad...Read More »