Brian Allen
Postdoc Advisor: Ione Fine
Email: baallen "at" uw.edu
CV: BrianAllen_CV.pdfMy research is focused on developing and applying new methods in neuroimaging that improve our ability to quantify neural structure and function and, subsequently, understand the biological basis of sensory processing. Specifically, my recent work focuses on improving our ability to map structural and functional neural abnormalities in individuals with various forms of congenitally abnormal vision (such as amblyopia and cataracts) using MRI.
Allen B.,Hanley T.,Rokers B.,Green C.S. (2016). Visual 3D motion acuity predicts discomfort in 3D stereoscopic environments. J Ent Com, 13. | Reprint 1014KB pdf |
Allen B., Spiegel D.P., Thompson B., Pestilli F. and Rokers B. (2015). Altered white matter in early visual pathways of humans with amblyopia. Vision Res, 114, 48-55. | Reprint 1.63MB pdf |
Allen B., Haun A.M., Hanley T., Green C.S. and Rokers B. (2015). Optimal Combination of the Binocular Cues to 3D Motion. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 56(12), 7589-96. | Reprint 697KB pdf |