History research assignment

In the spring you prepared a brief abstract that outlines the case study of a significant building in Rome and your approach to it. For this research paper you should continue where your proposal leads.

As you may recall, the general theme for this study is ‘transformation.’ This could apply to the building or site itself (how has it and/or its use changed over time?), or to a piece of the building (how does it incorporate and alter certain elements passed down over time?), or to its surroundings (how has the building influenced its context?), or a more general idea (how has this particular building changed the building type of which it is an instance?).

Write a 3000-4000 word (double-spaced) paper on the building you have chosen, concentrating on the theme of transformation. The paper must result in part from first-hand observation. In other words your analysis of the building must derive from examining the building in the field. The paper should include original illustrations (photographs, drawings, etc.) that you produce while visiting the building. You should, of course, study reliable sources to establish the basis on which to build your analysis. Trina can help you locate appropriate source material here in Rome.


  • First draft due Monday, October 27, 1:30 pm.
  • Final draft due Monday, November 24, 1:30 pm.