Alex Anderson (ata@u.washington.edu)
Lorenzo Battistelli (lbattis@u.washington.edu)
Galen Minah (gminah@u.washington.edu)
Trina Deines (deines@u.washington.edu)
Rick Mohler (rickm@adamsmohler.com)
Courses and Credits
The program is comprised of 2 courses, a nine-credit course with three components, and a six-credit design or independent study course.
Arch 495 - 9 credits
Italian language - intensive instruction - 3 credits
This class is taught by instructors from Italiaidea. Class will meet at Italiaidea in Piazza del Cancelleria. This is an intensive course, divided into three sections, designed to allow students to speak and understand Italian as quickly as possible.
Drawing/sketching/painting - 3 credits - Galen
Galen will direct this part of the course. Assignments will correspond with course projects, and there will be special assignments on field trips.
History - 3 credits Alex and Trina
History lectures, walking tours and day trips.
Arch 499/600; Arch 401/504 - Studio - 6 credits
Urban design research and documentation, first 3 weeks. This is followed by a design project, which includes research and site analysis followed by an individual design project. Topics for the final design project will be assigned later in the quarter.