
TAPESTRY: The Art of Representation and Abstraction


What's it all about?

Throughout history men and women have been interested in classifying similar objects, animals, and events. The sciences all search for the most elemental truths, from which other facts can be derived.

Computer programs, to some extent, turn this search around. The programmer gets to decide what the universe if made out of, what the elements are. He or she gets to decide how they can be combined, what relationships they can have to each other, etc. The user then explores the universe of creations made possible by these basic building blocks.

There is always a limited set of basic building blocks, which we call primtives. In recognition of the various ways that the primitives might be used, there are variable values, or qualities, called attributes associated with the data. Some of these might be different for each primitive, but many will be shared.



Last updated: April, 2014

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