The Cards – Alex’s cut

Alex Casper, Perth Li & Tai Moon – 4:37, drama/comedy

When a suspect is brought in for questioning, the arresting officers can’t decide how to proceed.

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1 Response to The Cards – Alex’s cut

  1. alexcasper says:

    For this final project i feel i really put in a lot of work to chnage it almost 180 degrees from the direction of my rough cut. My audio still is my weakest part could continue to really work on developing that, my visuals are strong in some parts and could use some work in others but overall I am very happy with the final piece I was able to put together and submit. I can always keep working though and really loved this quarter. I think i came a long ways from assignment #1 until the final piece and overall from where i was 3 years ago to today is a whole world away. Loved this course and the challenges and i am very happy that this course is my final college course as an undergrad!

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