True Friend – Echo’s cut

Celine Shu, Echo Song & Min Wren – 3:49, drama

The story of Echo and Wren and their friendship.

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3 Responses to True Friend – Echo’s cut

  1. JHwang says:

    First thing I noticed was the comic sans title ( don’t use that in the future), wind noise was very strong, and music was loud in places. good match on action and framing, but with two person dialogue shouldn’t there be a master shot? Overall it was a heartwarming story and the captions were done well.

  2. xinles says:

    I think we did a great job in the final project. We had working hard on the audio and lighting. Also we spent times to add subtitles, and make the audio clear.

  3. Cylin says:

    The noise is still highlighted, maybe you need to pull the audio level down more to avoid this situation. During the memory, I like the effect and the music you use. The color continues might need to work more.

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