The Package – Robert’s cut

Robert Jenkins & Steve Kao – 3:40, drama

A mysterious package leads to a surprise ending.

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4 Responses to The Package – Robert’s cut

  1. Patrick Peden says:

    awesome range of shots Robert, I really like how you fixed the audio and how you guys had such a wide range of shots and it made the chase scene extremely interesting and the whole time you are wondering what is in the package.

  2. stevekaokuei says:

    nice range of shots. great working with you.

  3. Robert Jenkins says:

    Had fun making the project, most of our shots turned out pretty well. Had difficulty with the audio in some parts and scheduling with our actors. Would liked to have taken more shots to add more variety and supplemental continuity to the overall story. Had a good time working with Steve and ended up with a pretty decent piece of work.

  4. Evan Leahy says:

    Great choice of music. It took me a second to place it, but I see what you’re doing. Very nice.

    This short had some great shots, too. I particularly enjoy that opening shot on the staircase. Really good use of available locations.

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