Dream Weekend – Danping’s cut

Siyuan Chen, Jenny Wang & Danping Xue – 3:55, drama

The story of a hard working man who lets his relationship slide, and suddenly finds himself sad and alone for the weekend.

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2 Responses to Dream Weekend – Danping’s cut

  1. Danping Xue says:

    Post-production is finished with continuity edits, purposeful effects, as well as proper format and finishing. The video meeds the requirements and featured dramatic dialogues. We use different ranges of shots including CU, WS, MS, and ECU. Composition could be better in some over the shoulder shots. Overall, I think we did a great a great job on this project, we had a great teamwork!

  2. emily_oomen says:

    Hi Danping,

    I think your shots and transitions in the video were good! I thought the scene where the two boys are drinking their cares away ( 2:10 ) had nice transitions between the flashback of Shawn’s memories and the current time in the scene where they were drinking. I also thought the scene where Shaw’s girlfriend leaves and goes out of the house and directly into a fancy car had nice transitions. One aspect of your video that I would recommend improving is the time the to do list appears on screen in 2:28. I would recommend lengthening the amount of time this to-do list appears because I could not read much of the list in the amount of time it appears in the video.

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