Megan’s Story

M. Hammond – 5:36, personal profile

A young person’s story of the pain of addiction and her ultimate triumph over drugs. We’re proud of you, Megan.

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11 Responses to Megan’s Story

  1. Robbie C says:

    this was amazing with the small exception of the title stretching past the margins in the end. Very moving! Very proud of you! 😀

  2. Sem says:

    I’m still speechless, this was so good! Thank you for sharing

  3. bbroady says:

    Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. danoxmas says:

    I felt like this film gave me an insight into the life of someone who had a very interesting story to tell. The images and recorded footage helped alot. VERY good.

  5. ChrisRiley says:

    Really great telling of your life. I enjoyed it and would have never guessed

  6. Jack_Rubicon says:

    I know that was a lot of work, transferring the VHS to digital. Great job with the edits.

  7. bmarvin says:

    Megan, I really enjoyed your video and how creative you were with the filters. Thanks for sharing.

  8. candiece says:

    Oh my GOODDDD SOOOOO MOVING. There have been others close to me that have struggled with drug addiction and it was such a hard thing to go through and re-live through story telling and can be such an emotionally difficult thing to share. So props to you girl!!!!!! I think personal stories are soooooooooo powerful.

    Like you said you went a little crazy on the effects. Maybe just going into black and white instead of inverse color. Just a suggestion to try.

    Love the angle you have your folks sitting at during their interviews.

    Love the mix of narration, music(great not cheesy), pictures, current video, and home video(SOOOOOOO great, wanted to cry whenever you showed those)


  9. Cara Peacock says:

    THIS WAS THE BEST!!! You are such a great girl. I’m so glad I could hear your story. VERY inspiring. Good luck with everything! You really came a long way in this class. I especially loved your PSA. Amazing.

  10. Brady says:

    I cant imagine how hard it was to for you to share this story with us. You look like my daughter in this video, so it added a little extra for me. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  11. Adwokat says:

    Your story is sensational! Thank’s

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