germ/scand 190 | crime scenes: investigating the cinema and its cultures | ames & nestingen |  syllabus |  toolbox

German Film Resources:

Scandinavian Film Resources:

Film Clips

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Tuesday › Screening

Wednesday › Identity and Difference

 » Reading: Cain, “Postman Always Rings Twice,” pp. 1-58 (e-res)

Thursday › “Play It Again, Sam”: Repetitions, Remakes, and Revisions

 » Reading: Cain, “Postman Always Rings Twice,” pp. 59-106 (e-res)

Friday › Christian Petzold and the “Berlin School” of Filmmaking

 » Reading: Abel, “Cinema of Identification” (website)
 » Study Questions Due


Study Questions
1) Identify and discuss 2 important differences between Cain’s story and Petzold’s film
2) How does the film treat (i.e., represent) the theme of sexual desire? Illustrate your point by discussing a specific example from the film.

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