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germ/scand 190 | crime scenes: investigating the cinema and its cultures | ames & nestingen |  syllabus |  toolbox

German Film Resources:

Scandinavian Film Resources:

Tuesday › Screening
 » Reading: Joan Acocella, “Man of Mystery

Wednesday › Finish screening

Thursday › Thanksgiving Holiday - No Class

Friday › Thanksgiving Holiday - No Class

Tuesday › Men Who Hate Women

Wednesday › Melodramatic Justice
 » Reading: Gledhill, “Melodrama and Cultural Disorder” (e-res)

Thursday › Lisbeth Salander and the Femme Fatale (One-Hour Meeting)

Friday › Sequence analysis workshop
Study Questions Due


Study Questions
1. Give an example of how Lizbeth Salander is formally constructed as a character in the film. (Lighting, editing, or compostion or another formal feature will be part of your response.)
2. Is Lizbeth Salander an “innocent victim” in the terms of Gledhill’s article? Analyze briefly two pieces of cinematic evidence to support your view.

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