UWB and UW Seal

  CSS 162 - Programming Methodology - Summer 2012 - Homeworks

For the programming assignments, I will be grading in line with previous quarters using a strategy based on correctness, documentation, and programming practices. To ensure success in programming homeworks, please refer to the assignment guidelines and design and coding standards, as outlined here..

Refer to tips for success, while you work on your homeworks. Follow these tips for exams as well.

For this class, we will use the BlueJ environment to write programs. If you are not already familiar with the BlueJ development environment for Java, you can find some useful information on installing it and using it.

In Homework 6 (due at midnight on Wednesday, August 8, 2012), you will apply the Stack data structure to trace paths arranged in a tree-like fashion to win a treasure in a game.

In Homework 5 (due at midnight on Wednesday, July 25, 2012), you will work on a file search problem, providing a recursive solution to this problem.

Remedial Homework 2 (due at 5:45pm on Monday, July 23, 2012) will give you an opportunity to practice various aspects of software development, including design, programming, and testing, by developing a program to support a weather application.

In Homework 4 (due at 5:45pm on Wednesday, July 18, 2012), you will work on an inheritance problem involves shapes. Also, you will complete readings on information privacy and write an essay representing your informed thoughts.

In Homework 3 (due at 5:45pm on Wednesday, July 11, 2012), you will develop a bill management program, implementing class invariants, reviewing object-oriented concepts, and program mechanics, as covered in the course.

In Homework 2 (due at 5:45pm on Tuesday, July 3, 2012), you will design, implement, and test a Java program to support blogging features of a Web or desktop application. This homework builds upon lab 2b from last week.

Homework 1 (due at 5:45pm on Wednesday, June 27, 2012), you will review your knowledge of basic Java concepts by developing a character counter that keeps track of the number of occurrences of individual characters in a text file. Also, you will practice basic class design.