Fall 2011
Along with CSS 343, this fast-paced course is intended to get you up to speed so you can take Junior and Senior level CSS courses. It does this by integrating the fundamental mathematics of computing with detailed instruction in program design. By the end of this quarter, you will be familiar with much of the C++ language and the basics of object-oriented programming. You will understand how to analyze a problem and design a solution. You will know many basic data structures, algorithms, and the tradeoffs among memory, running time, and implementation time associated with them. Topics include: recursion, computational complexity and algorithm analysis, logic, mathematical proofs and induction, lists, stacks, queues, sorting and searching, data abstraction, and object-oriented methods.
November 7, 2011: Lots of changes, including new screencasts and an updated schedule (with program due dates modified).
October 21, 2011: I've updated our updated schedule again. I've also reorganized these announcements, and the main screencast page, in reverse chronological order to make the most recent additions more obvious.
October 10, 2011: The schedule is updated again, with new dates for program 2 and written homework 1. I am still working on the issues that some of you have been having with the screencasts. I can say that, besides on Macs and iOS devices, the screencasts will work under Windows 7 using iTunes. But that's a big install just for this small reason, so I'm working on finding a workaround or re-encoding things so they'll work better.
September 29, 2011: We now have discussion threads a-plenty in the class discussion forum. Also, I have updated the schedule to reflect moving the software engineering coverage a bit later in the course and spending some quality C++ time on 10/4.
September 19, 2011: The course screencast page is now working; link is among the other site links. You'll need to authenticate with your UW Net ID (I'm not ready for world fame yet).
September 13, 2011: The course syllabus is online. Let me know if it looks like it has any errors.
August 11, 2011: Web site newly cleaned up for fall 2011.