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CSS 451 – 3D Computer Graphics

Tuesday/Thursday 3:30pm – 5:30pm
            Room: UW2-205

Kelvin Sung (


CSS451        Computing and Software Systems        UW Bothell   


Important Links:

·  GoPost Discussion (questions/comments etc.)

·  Sung, Shirley, Bear: Textbook Tutorials, Powerpoint slides



·   XNA: Developing MPs on the XBOX 360 console.

·   Java: dev setup, eclipse config.

·   Nate Robin’s tutors (in OpenGL)


HLSL Shader:

·   DX9c HLSL Reference Page

·   Intro example

·   References: Syntax,   Models,   Functions

·   Debugging Vertex Shader

·   NShader 1.2: Plug-in for VS2010 for syntax highlighted effect editing.


UWB Resources:

·   Quantitative Skills Center (QSC)

·   Writing Center





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·    Syllabus

·    Your scores for this class at this point. You are identified by your grade ID (on MP1 score sheet).

·    Permission for showing your work (If you don’t mind me showing your work, then PLEASE fill this out!!

Programming Assignments: Submission Area

·    Extra Credit: Due March 19, 2013.

    • 5% of final grade: Integrate Texture with complete UI into MP6 (demo for my future class), similar to Week8.Example3.1. Please use this Mesh file as your floor (this one has UV defined on vertices). Watch for Meshes without UV coordinate defined (no texture will show). E.g., the cylinder.x mesh does not define UV coordinates on its vertices.
    • 2% of final grade: Combine/Integrate MP5 and MP6, include _all_ UI.

·    MP6: Phong Illumination and Light Type. Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt (in HiDef). Due: March19, 2013. Unfortunately, XNA Reach does not support Shader 3.0. We cannot compile MP6 in Reach!

·    MP5: SceneNode + SceneTree. Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt (hi Def). Due: Feb 28, 2013.

·    MP4: Pivoted Transform + Multiple Device Support + Camera Manipulation. Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Feb 14, 2013.

·    MP3: Custom GUI Control + Mesh as a Shape. Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Jan 29, 2013. Jan 31, 2013.

·    MP2: A Little MVC + Mouse Events. Here is the Spec. Here is my attempt. Due: Jan 22, 2013.

·    MP1: Warm Up + GUI. Here is the Spec. Here is my Winfrom attempt and JOGL attempt. Due: Jan 15, 2013.


Weekly Examples

·    Beyond our class:

·    Week8: Alpha blending + Textures

·    Week7: Illumination + Light types + Phong

·    Week6: Finish Hierarchical Modeling + Begin Shaders

·    Week5: Simple Vector Math + Camera Manipulation + Scene Nodes and Scene Trees

·    Week4: Verify Transforms + 3D Rotation + Pivoted Transform + Per Device Resources + Viewport

·    Week3: Simple Transformation + World Matrix + Custom GUI Controls

·    Week2: Camera + MVC

·    Week1: GUI and Graphics Programming: Make sure you read (Chapter 2 of Sung/Shirley/Baer) and follow: Step-by-step WinForm. Here is the source code to the WinForm tutorial (unzip, and look at the Chaper2_XNA folder).


·   References to Shaders:

§  NVIDIA HLSL Examples:

§  Dhpoware:

·   Meshes

§  Here is a Sphere with texture coordinate and image of earth and moon that can go with this sphere.

§  Here is a high resolution (100x100) floor mesh, here is a low resolution 2x2 floor mesh.


·   WinMerge

·   Meshes on line: blender, 3DCafe

·   General resources on graphics and games.

·   Physics Engines: bullet physics library, Open Dynamics Engine (ODE, here is a guide from fellow 451 student on ODE), tokamak.

·   Real-Time Rendering Textbook site: Tons of graphics/games references.

CSS451 Home  |   Kelvin Sung  |   CMMR Home  |   CSS Home  |   UW Bothell  |   UW Seattle

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(425) 352-5000
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