Application Process
The first step for prospective renters is to request placement on the waiting list by contacting the Manager of Tenant Services (located in the lobby). After the initial phase of screening, the Tenant Review Committee, requires artist to submit a resume, portfolio of work, and a letter of intent detailing how the space will be used.
Professional Artist Defined
"an individual who receives, or has received, professional recognition as defined by any one of the following":
1. Has presented work through public exhibitions such as: performance, readings, screenings, publication, or showings.
2. Has obtained representation by a dealer, publisher, or agent.
3. Majority of professional time used directly for the purpose of art creation, promotion, presentation, or marketing.
4. Has received monetary compensation for work through royalties, sales, grants, or awards that can be considered professional income.
5. Can provide proof of income gained or lost from the pursuit of art as a primary career.
6. Has been trained either by a recognized educational institution or through an apprenticeship with an established professional artist.
7. Has received either peer or public accolades in the forms of: awards, honors, professional prizes, or critical acclaim.
8. Is a member of a professional association relevant to the type of art created.
If the artist meets several of the criterion, the next step involves an evaluation by the Peer Artist Review Board. At this time, the level of financial need is also assessed. Once eligibility is determined, the artist would then either be offered a lease or placed on the waiting list.
Leasing Information for Tashiro Kaplan:
Catherine Vanderbrink - Artspace Inc. Executive
Residential: (425) 776-1294 for live/work artist loft application
Gallery/arts commercial space: (206)
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