Social Impacts
By providing space for a community based upon the artist lifestyle, the Tashiro Kaplan Building fosters a sustainable development. This focused community is a positive alternative to traditional warehouse style affordable apartments. Not isolated to the art community alone, Tashiro Kaplan shows promise as a blueprint for future occupation/interest-based dwellings.
The City of Seattle and other community development organizations plan for the Tashiro Kaplan Building to increase the sense of neighborhood identity in Pioneer Square. By forming a stable resident and work population in Pioneer Square, the sense of ownership and informal social controls should also be increased. The influx of new residents will bring more money in terms of an increased demand for goods and services.
With the renovation of an existing structure, issues of urban sprawl are reduced. Rather than moving the artists to cheaper housing in the suburbs, Artspace Inc. capitalized on the valuable real estate resource of the Tashiro Kaplan Building. The project provides an example of a new development scheme that focuses on reusing space, rather than implementing 'smart growth' strategies in the suburbs.
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