The Holocene Express
Schedule of Discussions
PCC: ATMS, ESS, OCEAN 586A, Winter 2007
The Holocene Express 1. Introductory Lectures on Holocene Climate (1/16/07) Roe: Holocene Climate Forcing Lecture (pdf) Sachs: Holocene Climate Trends Lecture (pdf) 2. Cryosphere (1/23, 30; 2/6, 13, 20) Steig: Holocene Climate Variability Lecture (pdf) → Sea ice (Andy, Clark Katie, Rina) → Mountain glaciers (Roo, Jim, Gerard, Greg) → Ice sheets (Brian, Paul, Angie) → Ice volume & Sea level (Aaron, Julian, Sandy)Assigned Readings: Bond, G., et al. (1997), A Pervasive Millenial-Scale Cycle in North Atlantic Holocene and Glacial Climates, Science, 278, 12571266. Kutzbach, J.E., Guetter, P.J., (1986) The influence of changing orbital parameters and surface boundary conditions on climate simulations for the past 18,000 years. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 43(16), 1726-1759. Otto-Bliesner et al. (2006) Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene Climate in CCSM3, Journal of Climate, 19, 2526-2544. Class Discussion: 1/23/07 [pdf]Literature summaries: newWeek2all [pdf], Julian-Aaron_benthicd18O_sealevel [pdf] 2. Monsoons --> Indian and Asian Summer Monsoon strength Assigned Readings: Fleitmann, D., et al. (2003), Holocene Forcing of the Indian Monsoon Recorded in a Stalagmite from Southern Oman, Science, 300, 1737-1739. 4. Winds & Storms → Position and strength of Westerlies, Trade winds, Storms and storm tracks Readings: Alley, R. B., et al. (1997), Holocene climatic instability: A prominent, widespread event 8200 yr ago, Geology, 25, 483-486. TENTATIVE Rind, D. (1998), Latitudinal temperature gradients and climate change, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 5943-5971. 4. Ocean Circulation → Meridional overturning circulation, western boundary currents, thermocline depth & geometry Readings: (A paleo paper) (A modeling or dynamics review or seminal paper) 5. Monsoons & Continental Interiors →Indian & Asian monsoon strength. Continental temperature & hydrology. Readings: (A paleo paper) (A modeling or dynamics review or seminal paper) 6. ENSO & Tropical Dynamics →ENSO frequency and strength. ITCZ position. Readings: (A paleo paper) (A modeling or dynamics review or seminal paper) 7. Synthesis #1 8. Synthesis #2 |
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