University District Stories

University District Stories

a project of HSTAA 208

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UD Parks Plan 2015.bmp
Map from 2015 U District Parks Plan Update

UD history and existing conditions report 2014.bmp
Seattle Department of Planning and Development, University District Urban Design Framework existing conditions report

U DIstrict.png




UD Population Demogrpahics.jpg
Describes the percentage of different ethnicities in the University District area.

UD Population Demogrpahics.jpg
Describes the percentage of different ethnicities in the University District area.

White Vernacular Today.jpg
This street has its original planting strips from its first development in the 1920s that acts as a sidewalk barrier against the residential road.

White Vernacular Today.jpg
This street has its original planting strips from its first development in the 1920s that acts as a sidewalk barrier against the residential road.

Lays out characteristics of NC-3 zoning code in Seattle
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