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IE 599, Spring 2000

Methods for Teaching Engineering

Peer Review of Teaching Philosophies

Due: May 18, 2000

For the peer-review of teaching philosophy statements, I've assigned each of you three classmates in the list at the bottom of this message. Using the peer-review tool described below, please give feedback to your three assigned people about their teaching philosophies.

This exercise will give each of you an opportunity to read at least three other teaching philosophies, and will also provide each of you with feedback from (at least) three sources about your own teaching philosophy statements.

Your feedback should be completed by Thursday, May 18.
Feel free to review **more** than the three philosophies that you are assigned.

First, think of this as an opportunity to get some constructive feedback about your teaching philosophy statement. In that vein, please provide your classmates with honest, constructive feedback about their statements.

Some things to think about if you need help getting started:
  1. Comment on your overall impressions of the statement -- how it struck you
  2. Provide any suggestions for changes that might improve the statement, and explain why you have suggested them.
  3. Point out any needed grammar or spelling corrections
  4. Add any additional comments
In the list below, the first name in each line is the Reviewer; the following three names are the people whose philosophy statements are to be reviewed by the Reviewer. For example, the first line below tells us that Jill is assigned to review the statements by Kat, Scott, and Kevan.

You are more than welcome to review MORE THAN THE THREE assigned philosophies!!!
(All of the statements and the reviews are accessible to all of you)
ALSO: if you want feedback from more that three people, feel free to ask some of your peers to give more feedback.

Jill: Kat, Scott, Kevan
Kat: Scott, Kevan, Sami
Scott: Kevan, Sami, Noah
Kevan: Sami, Noah, Jill
Sami: Noah, Jill, Kat

Noah: Jill, Kat, Scott
Amit: Pimpida, Didem, Megan
Pimpda: Didem, Megan, Puk
Didem: Meagan, Puk, Paul
Megan: Puk, Paul, Todd

Puk: Paul, Todd, Sarintip
Paul: Todd, Sarintip, Amit
Todd: Sarintip, Amit, Pimpida
Sarintip: Amit, Pimpida, Didem