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IE 599, Spring 2000

Methods for Teaching Engineering

Introduction to Cognition and Learning
Assignment for Classes 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, April 4 to April 11.


The objective of the activities during weeks 2 and 3 of IE599b are to (1) introduce background information from research and practice in cognition, in student motivation and in classroom practice, (2) provide some initial practice in the design and delivery of learning activities, and (3) begin to formulate ideas about characteristics of effective learning environments.

Students will choose (or be assigned to) groups of 2 to 3. Your group will design and deliver part of the classroom activity during one of the 3 class meetings. You will choose (or be assigned) the topic and the date for your group in class today (March 30, class 1.2).


Date: April 4
Group: 1
Topics: Expert/Novice differences

Group: 2
Topics: Human Memory

Date: April 6
Group: 3
Topics: Knowledge Representations

Group: 3
Topics: Motivation

Date: April 11
Group: 5
Topics: Learning Strategies I

Group: 6
Topics: Learning Strategies II


Please design a 20 minute learning activity around the topic and the readings on the syllabus for the assigned topic and day. You are encouraged to find and read additional sources not on the syllabus for your topic. Within your group you may choose to design the instructional activity(ies) to be delivered however you think will be most effective; together or in parts, but everyone should take part in some part of the delivery.

--note that (contrary to the original syllabus) you are NOT constrained to deliver a lecture-
-- please consider other chapters in McKeachie and other sources (including your experience) for activity design ideas beyond lecture --

Hand in
Please submit a brief document summarizing your activity. The document is due at the class meeting after your assigned presentation day. The document should include:
The document and the delivery of your learning activity together are worth 5 points of your total grade. You will get full credit for a reasonable effort. You will receive peer and instructor feedback on your activity design, and will receive instructor feedback on your submitted document. This will hopefully inform your work in activity design later in the term.

Note: Consider using relevant 'reading reflections' to augment your prepared activity.