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IE 599, Spring 2000

Methods for Teaching Engineering

Teaching Strategies
Due: Thursday, April 13, 2000

The objective of the activity for class 3.2 (April 13) is to introduce and review strategies for classroom teaching. You will each be assigned a specific topic (see below) , and will come to class prepared to teach the essence of that topic to your peers in a small group format.

You will teach your topic area to your colleagues in class. This will NOT be a formal presentation, but a small group discussion.
Please become knowledgeable about your topic area so that you can explain it to your colleagues who have studied other topics, and prepare an example from your engineering discipline to illustrate one or more of the approach(es) that you have read about.

Bring to class an outline of the ideas you will try to teach your colleagues and an outline of your example instructional approach.

Reading Assignments by Group for April 13
Group: A
Topic: Peer Collaboration
Readings: McKeachie, Chap. 14
Arends pp. 110-118
optional: references from the galileo project:

Group: B
Topic: Teaching Large Classes
Readings: McKeachie, Chap 19
Arends, pp 200-207 (Classroom Discussion)
optional: references from the galileo project:

Group: C
Topic: Direct instruction
Readings: Arends pp. 64-75 (direct instruction)
Johnson ("Facilitating high quality student practice", AJP, 2000)
optional: references from the galileo project:

Group: D
Topic: Problem Based Instruction
Readings: Arends pp. 156-168
McKeachie (chapters 12, 16)
optional: references from the galileo project:

Assignment for Classes 4.1, 4.2, April 18 and 20
The reading assignments for Classes 4.1 and 4.2 have been modified.

Glance at the SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCES for papers on topics related to your field.
The readings are in manila folders outside of Cindy's and Molly's offices, and will be on reserve by Thursday, April 13.

Due in class April 18, your teaching philosophy. (more on this soon).