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IE 599, Spring 2000

Methods for Teaching Engineering

Conceptual probe design

Due: Thursday, April 20, 2000


The assignment this week will accomplish two purposes. One is to allow you to practice designing a probe for alternative conceptions in your own discipline. The other is to provide you with some information about your audience for your upcoming teaching activity. (Beginning in two weeks, you will each design and deliver a learning activity to the class that is based in your engineering discipline.)


Choose a topic in your discipline that you would like to teach to your classmates. Choose something appropriate for undergraduate introductory engineering students; remember we are not all experts in your field. (You will design a classroom activity on this topic for students in the class in a few weeks. )

Design a probe to elicit student conceptions about the topic. Your probe may be an open-ended question to gather basic information about student conceptions about the topic, it may be very focused, to investigate the existence of alternative conceptions that you have previously observed, or it may be something in the middle.

It should be a paper-and-pencil task so that you can collect responses for analysis, and should be designed to be completed in 4 minutes or less.


Some resources for this assignment include the references on the syllabus on the ie599 course web, education web sites listed on the Education Web Resources page on our course Web, or other publications you may find.