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IE 599, Spring 2000

Methods for Teaching Engineering

Student Teaching Exercise
Assignment for Classes 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, May 4-18, 2000

The aim of this assignment is to give you practice in the design and implementation of a classroom learning experience, and to provide you an opportunity to get feedback and reflect on your performance.

Please design a 15 minute learning activity around a topic in your discipline that you would like to teach to your classmates. The topic and presentation should be appropriate for your audience. (We assume you will be teaching on a topic related to the conceptual probe you presented during week 4.)

Hand in
Please submit a document summarizing your learning activity. The document is due during the class meeting after your assigned presentation day (for example: if you present on Thursday, May 11, your write-up will be due on ). The document should include: The document and the delivery of your learning activity together are worth 40 points of your total grade, and the points will be divided as follows: Assignments:
May 4: Todd, Didam, Scott
May 9: Kat, Jill, Noah
May 11: Megan, Paul, Sami
May 16: Pimpida, Kevan, Sarintip
May 18: Amit, Puk