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IE 599, Spring 2000

Methods for Teaching Engineering

Reading Reflections Assignment for Week 7.2
Due: Midnight, Wednesday, May 10.

Please comment on the Student Teaching Evaluation form that you have been using in class to evaluate your peers.

Currently the form consists of 4 sections:
  1. Organization (Clear learning goals; continuity of learning experience; timing)
  2. Student-centered (Builds on prior knowledge; Active engagement)
  3. Material (Appropriate Level; Relevant to Learning Goals)
  4. Delivery
We would like you to comment on the overall design and function of the form, and also on specific items.
Please post your reflections to the E-post threaded listserv.
Whenever relevant, please contribute to an existing thread on the subject.

Some questions to address:
Feel free to frame your answers in the context of Assessment Design, Assignment Design, and/or Learning Experience, and as a student and/or as a teacher. Please make clear your perspective.