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IE 599, Spring 2000

Methods for Teaching Engineering

Reflections W8.1
Reflections Week 8.1

For Reflections for Tuesday, May 16, we would like you to comment on the Reflections from last week and on the discussion in class on Thursday. Please post to the e-post board by midnight Monday, May 15 your comments on one of the following topics:

  1. Evaluation criteria we use put constraints on complexity of material and creativity
    i.e. To what extent do you find that the criteria we are using in class constrain a) the complexity of the material and/or b) the creativity that you might use in designing a learning activity.
    What are the constraining factors, if any, and can you propose a possible set of criteria that could describe an 'effective' learning activity at a _general_ level (that would not be constraining)? What are the issues?

  2. We have included the phrases a) "Material: Appropriate level" and b) "Student-Centered: Builds on prior knowledge" in the criteria. What do those mean to you? Are those appropriate criteria? If so, how would you accomplish them? If not, how would you improve them, and how would you accomplish the improved criteria?
In the interests of keeping your assignment brief, you may submit comments on only one of the above topics, but you are more than welcome to answer both, AND you are welcome to discuss any additional topics.