Grading Criteria for INFX598m

4.0 Exceptional. Work at this level is consistently effective, creative, original, thorough, well-reasoned, and well-written.  The work demonstrates a clear recognition and an incisive understanding of the critical issues explored in this seminar. Anything evaluated at 3.8 or above meets or exceeds what I would expect of an excellent seminar participant. The stated goal is clearly accomplished in a highly effective manner.
3.7 Strong. Although not quite of high professional quality, work at this level is mostly effective, creative, and shows good reasoning.  The work demonstrates clear recognition and good understanding of critical issues explored in this seminar. The work is good, but invites some improvement. 3.7 matches work that  I would expect of an effective seminar participant. The stated goal is successfully accomplished.
3.3 Competent. Often well-reasoned and thorough, but not especially effective, creative or insightful (or creativity is poorly developed); shows adequate understanding of the explored in this seminar, although that understanding may be somewhat incomplete. Writing is probably acceptable but is weak in spots. 3.3 is the work  that indicates neither exceptional strengths nor exceptional weaknesses. The stated goal is accomplished.
3.0 Acceptable. Generally thorough and well-reasoned, but indicates that understanding of the critical issues explored in this seminar is less than complete and presents errors, inconsistencies and other problems.  Writing shows flaw or difficulties.  A 3.0 seminar participant is doing an okay job, but there would be massive opportunity for improvement. The stated goal is accomplished, but invites questions.
2.7 Minimally passing. Barely meets the minimal expectations for the course; understanding of the critical issues explored in this seminaris incomplete The writing shows repeated errors, inconsistencies and other problems. Successful accomplishment of the stated goal could be challenged.
2.6 & below Deficient. Work at this level does not meet the minimal expectations for this seminar. Understanding of the critical issues explored in this seminar is not demonstrated and the writing is flawed by errors and inconsistencies. The stated goal is not accomplished.
2.0 Unacceptable work for a seminar participant. Work at this level misunderstood the nature of the assignment and/or shows a complete lack of understanding of the critical issues explored in this seminar.
1.0 Incomplete / Totally inadequate.. Work was turned in, but is incomplete or does not address the goal of the assignment as stated.
0.0 Work was not turned in.

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Last updated: Saturday, 06-Jun-2009 19:01:26 PDT
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