Seminar Schedule
Lead Team
June 9
n/a | ||
June 10
n/a | ||
September 5
Arrive at Munich
Welcome to Munich/ Dachau Youth Hostel
8 pm (20:00h) - Meet and greet |
n/a |
September 7
Hannah, Seth, Austin (all UW,) n/a (TUM) |
NEW | Allianz Arena | VIP tour (3 to 5 pm) | non-mandatory event |
September 8
History of the Nazi CC Dachau; history of the Dachau memorial Archiving artifacts, maintaining and connecting records of the memorial sites of former Nazi concentration and death camps |
Cassandra, Cheryl, Matthew (all UW,) Johannes (TUM) |
September 9
Information Management of Intellectual Property Rights
Chelsea, Mark, Jane (all UW,) Ilja (TUM) |
September 10
FC Bayern Munich (at the Technical University of Munich)
Managing and integrating a first-tier professional sports club’s information, communication, and marketing efforts: The website of FC Bayern Munich
A second tentative topic is: Competitive sports analysis and scouting: Players, teams, and systems Field trip to FC Bayern premises in the afternoon |
Robbie, Nicholas, James (all UW,) Thomas Ley (TUM) |
September 11
Migration from proprietary platforms such as MS Windows/Office to open-source platforms such as Linux/OpenOffice in local government
Jane, Jennifer, Brett (all UW), tbd (TUM) |
September 14
Integration and interoperability of local government information systems, process redesign, and system management
Kirk, Lily, Sara (all UW), Elias (TUM) |
NEW | City of Munich | Guided tour of Old and New City Hall (upon invitation of the City of Munich) -- 1 to 2:30 pm | non-mandatory event |
NEW | Technical University of Munich | Tbd downtown Munich beergarden: Casual meeting with Prof. Helmut Krcmar, Head of TU Munich's Department of Information Systems and Economics | non-mandatory event |
September 15
Short history of the Munich Olympic Park and the 1972 Olympics. Marketing and information management of a large-event and recreational facility complex with international reach
Andy, David K., Matthew (all UW), David S.(TUM) |
September 16
Challenges of Maintaining Large-scale Corporate Websites
Cassandra, Sara, James (all UW), Christian I. (TUM) |
September 17
Information Management Along the Supply Chain
Nicholas, Brett, Austin (all UW), Christian Z. (TUM) |
September 18
Museum Plus - the museum database system -- integration of diverse knowledge bases
Alternatively, or additioally (tbd): A guided tour through select sections of the museum |
Chelsea, Lily, Chery (all UW), Svetlana (TUM)l |
September 21
History, uniqueness, and currrent role of the European software industry
Hannah, Robbie, Jennifer (all UW), Christoph (TUM) |
September 22
Car IT and the feedback to Car Maintenance and to Functional Design
Irene, Nick, Kirk (all UW), Fatih (TUM) |
September 23
Challenges of Managing Information in a Multidivisional Global Enterprise -- Compliance Management/ Innovative Controlling Methods
Irene, Nick, David K. (all UW), Dominika (TUM) |
September 24
Worldwide Corporate Information Management- The Example of Knorr-Bremse AG
Mark, Andy, Seth (all UW), Hristo (TUM) |
September 25
Bus ride to Berlin
Field trips to historical and contemporary sites will be announced soon;
Farewell event |
September 28
Safe travels back home!
October 17
Mary Gates Hall, Room 420; Seattle Campus (9:00am--5:00 pm)
Final (individual and group) project presentations
Click forward to "September 2009" to see the schedule in calendar format. It is also downloadable as an ics file.
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Last updated: Wednesday, 16-Sep-2009 06:53:46 PDT
© 2009 Hans J Scholl, The Information School of the University of Washington
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