You will receive a decimal grade for this class.
General grading information for the University of Washington is available here. The iSchool has adopted its own criteria for grading graduate courses. The grading criteria used by the iSchool for graduate courses are available here.
I have provided my adaptation of the iSchool grading criteria for further information about how your work in this class is graded. Your written work will be graded based on its clarity, organization, balance, amount of pertinent detail included, depth and clarity of evaluative and analytical comments, and preparation. It will also be graded on the extent to which a good understanding of the material presented in the course is shown and on the extent to which directions are followed. If evaluative or analytical comments are required, they should be supported by factual evidence, either from readings or other documents. Other aspects of individual assignments may also be included in the grading.
Written work that shows a lack of understanding of subject matter, is unclear or poorly organized, contains few or irrelevant details, does not follow directions, contains little or unsubstantiated evaluative commentary, or is poorly written, prepared (e.g. typos, grammatical errors), or documented will receive low grades.
Late assignments are not accepted unless submitted to the professor no more than 24 hours after the due date. A late assignment will incur an automatic .5 deduction for its grade. If there are any extenuating circumstances, please notify the professor BEFORE the day that the assignment is due.
Assignments are due by 11PM (if not specified otherwise) on the dates indicated. All assignments must be sent to Collect It in ".rtf", ".doc," or ".pdf" formats for text documents and in ".ppt" or ".pdf" formats for presentations.
As pointed out before, unless you have contacted me in advance, or, when that turned out to be impossible, unless you sufficiently document the excruciating circumstances preventing you from submitting on time after the fact, I will not accept and grade any late submissions.
Evaluation of Student Work:
You may expect to receive comments on and evaluations of assignments and submitted work in a timely fashion. All work from the course will be returned, with comments, within two weeks of the last class of the quarter.
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Last updated: Thursday, 28-May-2009 01:14:54 PDT
© 2009 Hans J Scholl, The Information School of the University of Washington
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