School of Pharmacy Curriculum spacer University of Washington School of Pharmacy
MEDCH 562P:  Organic Medicinal Agents
Autumn Quarter 2014
MedChem401 homepage course description course information Requirements or assignments course schedule course resources  


There are no special assignments for this course other than periodic problem sets to be completed and discussed in the conference sessions.

Conference Sections

Conference sections are optional and will be devoted to discussion of lecture material and problem sets.


The text for the course is T.L. Lemke, et al., Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 6th Edition, 2008. The text should be consulted regularly for amplification of the lecture material.

Course Evaluation Form

Med Chem 562P - Autumn 2014 Course Evaluation (PDF)

Text Problem Sets

Problem Sets       Problem Set Keys
Problem Set 1 - Cancer   Problem Set 1 Key
Problem Set 2 - Cancer   Problem Set 2 Key
Problem Set 3 - Cancer   Problem Set 3 Key
Fat Soluble Problem Set 1   Fat Soluble Problem Set 1 Key



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