School of Pharmacy Curriculum spacer University of Washington School of Pharmacy
MEDCH 562P:  Organic Medicinal Agents
Autumn Quarter 2014
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Course Information

Credit Hours:    Three quarter credits

Format:    Three lectures per week and one optional conference per week


  • Dr. Kent Kunze (Course Coordinator)
  • Dr. Bill Atkins
  • Dr. Dave Porubek
  • Dr. Allan Rettie

Student Learning Objectives and Competencies:

  1. To understand the physicochemical properties of medicinal agents, such as chemical bonding, ionization, lipophilicity and stereochemistry, so that the student is able to relate this information to absorption, distribution, receptor interactions and excretion.

  2. To know the most important pathways of drug metabolism and the enzymes involved, so that the student is able to relate this information to drug action, drug-drug interactions, and to some drug toxicities.

  3. To know the major kinds of cancers and some predisposing factors, and to know the phases of carcinogenesis, so that the student can logically analyze information about cancer found in the public domain, and be able to communicate with others about the basis for various kinds of cancers and their treatments.

  4. To recognize the structural features of the most widely used anti-cancer agents, their major therapeutic uses and dose-limiting toxicities, and their mechanisms of action, so that the student is able to relate this information to the development and use of combination chemotherapy regimens in the treatment of cancers.

  5. To know the difference between the RDA and USRDA vitamin and mineral intake values thought to be required for optimum human health, be able to identify consequences of suboptimal and supraoptimal vitamin and mineral intake, and to know mechanisms of metabolic reactions in which vitamins and minerals participate. With this knowledge base, the student should be able to discuss with patients rational therapeutic uses of vitamins and minerals, their dietary sources, and when and which supplements might be needed.

Grading Policy:

Grades are based on performance on two 100-point one-hour exams and one 100-point final exam. An overall 75% achievement will translate to a 2.6 GPA and 90% or above to a 4.0. Anything below 55% will translate to a 0.0.

Recommended Course Text (not required):    T.L. Lemke, et al., Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry 7th Edition, 2013; or 6th Edition, 2008

Course Website:


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