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Eating Disorders

Please Read This Before Accessing Any of the Followng Links

I have looked at several websites containing information about eating disorders, and the following links are among the best. Please realize, however, that I am not personally endorsing any of these organizations or any of the clinics/therapists/counselors who may be linked to these sites. For example, although the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders website contains a lot of basic factual information that concurs with my own knowledge, their page that discusses therapy presents information that I have not seen before and cannot judge in terms of its accuracy. They cite one therapist who claims a 100% effectiveness rate for specific types of patients, and claims like that instantly raise my "flag" of caution until I've had the chance to personally evaluate the evidence.

National Institutes of Mental Health: This link takes you to an online or pdf downloadable booklet on eating disorders.

American Psychological Association: This link takes you to a page of many APA links on the topic of eating disorders.

American Psychiatric Association: This link takes you to a page that provides links to brochures about many topics. Scroll down until you see the link for Eating Disorders; clicking it will get you a pdf version of a brief brochure on eating disorders.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders    home page






Psych101B Fall 2000 Copyright © 2000 The University of Washington. All rights reserved.