A Special Thanks to Everyone Who Made This Project Possible:
The success of this project required not just the hard work of those of listed on the bio page, but quite a bit of my behind the scenes support. We would like to offer our appreciation and thanks to the following:
- All of the UWT faculty, staff and students and local Tacoma community members who offered to house the Moscow State University students during their week-long visit. Special thanks to Julie Buffington, Katie Baird, and Loretta Lukaczer, who so graciously housed and entertained the students during their stay.
- The administration at the University of Washington Tacoma and Moscow State University Department of Journalism for their ongoing support of the UWT/MSU Journalism Exchange Program.
- Staff members in the Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Program at UWT and the MSU Department of Journalism for adding to their already busy schedules by assisting us in a variety of ways.
- Eddie Opp, photo service director at the Kommersant Daily in Russia for allowing us access to his photo files.
- The News Tribune in Tacoma for allowing us to hang out in the newsroom on election night. It was an incredible experience.
- Brittany Schneider and Holli Johnson for spending the day in Seattle as tour guides for the MSU students.
- David Coon, UWT communication professor, for helping to make sure we got all of the students to their departure flight.
- Paul Lovelady, production technician in the Academic Technologies office at UWT, for assisting us with the mechanics of the DreamWeaver software.
And, SPECIAL THANKS to Cheryl Greengrove, IAS director, and Adrienne Ione, MSL Coordinator in the Institute of Technology at UWT, both of whom went above and beyond in assuring that the program would run as smoothly as possible.